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Solar Panels help? (Animation+Defining)

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So im working on some Solar Panels with a nice Model a newly reddit friend made.

I can get the Model ingame even the Animation for extending plays (opening though not closing......not yet :D)

So the first question is if i click "Extend" the animation plays but the game never switch to "extended" so i cant retract them anymore.

Whats the problem there?

Second question how do i actually define the panels to be solar panels so they can make energy if the sun shines on it (they are fixed panels after deployment so no movement)

I hope someone can hint me to the right direction ^^ since this is my very first own part.



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Hey Neko,

you might want to check out this thread, since its most likely the same problem. At least in case you already slapped a ModuleDeployableSolarPanel onto your part... what would be the answer to your second question. deployableSolarPanel has a sunTracking property you can set to false, just like the stock OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels do.

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Is there somekind of demo cfg file soemwhere? i cant get it to work somehow i copied the cfg of existing solar panels and messed with the settings but they dont have the suntracking porperty inside etc

ps.The animation works totaly fine with ModuleAnimateGeneric

// Edit //

Got it now i only need to know how i can define 4 solar panels which are in this 1 model :/

Edited by NekoSteamBoy
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Using ModuleDep...'s animation logic would make sense, since it also enables/disables generating energy and might have a bunch of other effects. Why do you want 4 solar panel modules? Are they oriented in different directions? Is it/should it be possible for them to break off individually? If not, using just a single module might be less resource consuming. Though adding a bunch of modules with different transform names should work as well.

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We are working on this -> http://i.imgur.com/TXtB6Ca.png

So they dont need to fall off part by part and they dont rotate in the direction of the sun its like a deployable static solar array

i tried to add 4 "raycastTransformName" to the config but still he only calculates the first one .___.

Edited by NekoSteamBoy
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Well, no, just adding 4 raycastTransformName's won't work. You will most likely need 4 individual modules with different raycastTranformNames, each matching the one panel of your model.

name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
sunTracking = false
raycastTransformName = raycastTransformName1
isBreakable = false
resourceName = ElectricCharge
chargeRate = 0.75
key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0
name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
sunTracking = false
raycastTransformName = raycastTransformName2
isBreakable = false
resourceName = ElectricCharge
chargeRate = 0.75
key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

That hopefully will work without to many drawbacks. Though i doubt its worse than having only a single ModuleDep[...], since that makes placing the raycastTransform "difficult" and wiring generator and animation modules together / reimplementing it would be a lot of work.

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