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F-15 Replica

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So, I made this F-15 tonight. Flies pretty nicely. Looks nice IMO. Here are some pics and the .craft. Also a pic supporting the fact that fighter jets glide like bricks. :P

Also, the pictures are outdated, the download has a more upgraded variant.

Epic blur flyby!


Epic sexy shot. :P


Off to the island!


Gear lowering.


Final Approach.


Nononono! Wait!






At least it looks cool!

Craft file: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6r1qNKmBVMeS3hlbS1kWXpOSUU/edit?usp=drive_web

I will be adding stuff/weapons. If you have any constructive criticism it is appreciated!

Edited by RocketTurtle
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I've crashed my f4 phantom into that hill face on the runway so many times, its almost invisible until you're ontop of it. So to answer the question "do fighter jets glide like bricks?" why yes, yes they do.

Good job on the plane :) only complaint is that its kind of square-boxish.

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Maybe if someone knows how to work the multiplayer mod we can fly in formation!

i only see it one time in a twitch stream. and it was more like a position indicator on the overview map and you can't see the other craft :-/ don't know if it's now different

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Me and SaveFerris have been wanting to dogfight and fly in formation for ages now but we havent been able to. I dont think the KMP supports it, the other players plane would be basically invisible and very jumpy.

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Also, the tail fins on my plane seem to short, but I can't get the taller wings to attach right... you know the ones like the delta wings just skinnier? Yeah, if anyone can download the craft and get them attached it would be appreciated!

you mean that tail fin that i use for my f-16? the top one?

maybe like that?


Edited by 9t3ndo
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