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Thyre Aerospace TA-3 Russia.

Guest GroundHOG-2010

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Thyre Aerospace TA-3 Russia.

A follow on from the TA-2 Death, the TA-3 Russia is a bigger design utilizing 4 engines instead of the two of the TA-2 Death. Once again, joystick or flight yoke is advised, even though the aircraft has much better flight carateristics. When flying this aircraft refrane from doing barrel rolls as this sends the aircraft tumbling out of the sky. Also take off at the standard power until you are in the air, as it causes the plane to roll in the yaw direction (don\'t know why).


More images in spoiler.







Note in the last image I crashed into a mountain and ripped a wing off. It still flew and I later landed the craft.

Requires C7 Flight Pack 2.15 and C7 Hardpoints 0.5

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Well there goes the theory 'If it looks like it will fly, it probably will'

I know of a 30 story block of flats near me that looks like it could fly better :)

Ill need to download this and give it a bash.

Very interesting design however, I cant wait to see the rest of the TA- Series.

The engine pods remind me of some of the old soviet ekranoplan designs.


Oh my good God. IDEA!

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Well there goes the theory 'If it looks like it will fly, it probably will'

I know of a 30 story block of flats near me that looks like it could fly better :)

Ill need to download this and give it a bash.

Very interesting design however, I cant wait to see the rest of the TA- Series.

The engine pods remind me of some of the old soviet ekranoplan designs.


Oh my good God. IDEA!

That\'s the reason this is called Russia and the next one (if I can get it working) will be call Caspian Sea Monster. I should make an ground effect vehical.

Edit: no one has a care to download this innovation. Suit yourself.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Why is no one posting these in the C-7 Space Plane Exchange topic?

Spaceplane is the keyword. But because you asked why no one was posting them on the spaceplane thread, its because I am too lazy and people don\'t post other peoples work.

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