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Have YOU ever had a Kraken attack?


Have you ever experinced a Kraken attack?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever experinced a Kraken attack?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I am the Kraken.

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I get minikraken attacks on anything I build over... oh, about 600 parts on my home desktop. Things just... stop working properly. Parts inexplicably fall off, things wobble like mad and shake apart on the launch pad, some things just seem to spontaneously combust...

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I also experienced another version of it that was quite interesting. pefeuVX.png This was supposed to be the base plate for a rover i built for roaming around kerbal. However Because of there doomed situation i attempted to rescue one of them BoV6dQi.png Of course this happened P0dH77n.png

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Before the 0.17 update of KSP I had some experience with the kraken, it was an interesting bug, frustrating sometimes too.

But the kraken was dealt with the Krakenbane. Everything that happens after the 0.17 update is not the kraken anymore, it's something else.

I hadn't any issues since 0.17.

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A ship I'm launching for my final science mission is perfectly fine until the moment the camera shifts when you enter an orbit... then it spontaneously discombobulates itself. I'll see if I can get some pics up later today.

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I have had encounters with an evolved kracken recently. In .21 I couldn't flay a plane because it would vaporize as soon as it left ksc(no mods). I've had kerbals in .20 fall off a ladder and destroy kerbin multiple times. Too bad I can't remember any earlier encounters.

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I've come back to find my Apollo style lander was a field of debris. I also have a vessel tip over and explode, but that was because I engaged 2x warp to help a kerbal walk faster and apparently the lander didn't like that.

Here though is the best one. My sample return system was able to return my science stuff safely after orbit. My kerbal had gotten out of his pod and was recovered after collecting a soil sample. I then used the observatory to go back to the remaining inert vessels at the landing site (I wasn't sure at that time if clicking recover from the observatory would get you the science). And this happened.


i had something like that although it didn't explode


and for some reason when i pressed EVA limitless, uncontrollable kerbals flew out

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Back in .20.2, i had a kraken attack similar to the one in Danny2462's video "Having fun in the solar system" when he lands on Jool. However, for me, one happened on the runway at KSP, and the other while on minmus. Both times I was on a ladder. The minmus one completely destroyed everything involved, except for two landing legs, which were on a solar escape trajectory

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Time warp + sprinting toward the ocean on Laythe resulted in a Kracken attack upon poor Jeb. RIP Jebediah, I gave you a 21 booster salute, then impacted a probe into the dead Kracken just to be double sure it was dead.

Then I made a new save because, Jeb doesn't die in my saves :)

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A unmanned mun-research probe, that has done it's job on a free return trajectory on it's way back to kerbin escaped on the SOI change with 4-5km/s to an orbit closer to the sun than Moho.

And an old design of my escape tower exploded as soon as it REentered the 2.5km sphere around my vessel after separation:





Once I summoned it on purpose:

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The vessel ripped apart on impact (1,7% c). One part of the vessel flew around on the backside of laythe until it overheated, the other part (probecore) was reflected a lot faster than it came in.

Edited by Spanier
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I voted that I had never had a Kraken attack... but actually, I did now that I remember (I don't think I can change my vote).

I thought that the structural pylon would decouple from both sides, so I thought I'd try that for delivering some rovers to the Mun (I also like it because it leaves no residue). The decoupling process went fine. However, the structural pylons were stuck on the bottom of the rovers. They were sticking through the ground, but it appeared as if they had no collision mesh. When I reloaded the quicksave, my rovers shot high up into the air and would fall down and explode.

Finally, I decided that if the Kraken was cheating me, I could cheat too.

So I turned on Hack Gravity just after my rovers shot into the air, made sure my rovers were right side up, and tucked in the solar panels.

I turned off Hack Gravity and let the rovers fall to the ground at ~50 m/s. Upon impact, the structural pylons exploded, leaving my rovers unharmed (I guess they must not have 999 impact tolerance).

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I've only had the pleasure of an occasional Kore Kraken attack (note: the wiki is off on this kraken, as I've found it's existence on Minmus, and the Mun Prior to 0.22). The most noticeable of which was an interesting landing rendezvous on Minmus, during which the landing phases had been interrupted by my switching back and forth from the target rover. This is what I assumed to be the cause. As I switched back to the landing unit, and continued to drift down toward my target ellipse. I'd made a slight miscalculation on my vertical speed, and was moving much too quick for a safe sky crane link to the rover; knowing this might be all Gilzon has to look forward to in his little 32 bit world, I took action. Gil hit the lake bed hard; immediately the legs clipped into the ground, the lander shook violently, and then slowly sunk into the environment. After Gilzon 'disappeared" into the surface of Minmus, I followed him on his interdimensional trip through the salty satellite (Which took forever, as there's no high speed time warp available during said kraken attack) until he'd reached FTL speeds, and had long left what would be called recoverable distances.

Gilzon, may you return some day...;o;

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