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Is there an easier way to remove masses of struts?

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In a desire to avoid the crafts breaking themselves apart during liftoff; the kerbal engineers have gone overzealous with using struts, to the point where it's starting to look like a spider web more than a rocket ship.

In fear of gathering dust and bugs to drag into space, despite the scientific possibilities, we need to have those removed. But is there an easier way to do it than one by one?

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Well, there's no physics in the editor, so why not remove all those ugly struts and start from scratch?

I can't really tell you specifically where to put struts since I have no picture of your craft, but I can offer these guidelines..

-Triangles. Strut in triangles.

-If you have a particularly long part, such as a tank attached to another tank, put two on the top, and two on the bottom to the main stack. As well as one more between tanks on top/bottom.

But to answer the core of your question, there's no way that I know of to remove all of one part at once, other than doing it all by hand.

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Another tip for the future. Always start the struts from the stage that will Jettison. Don't place the strut on the center. Strut from the outside - in. This way when all your boosters stage it takes the struts with it. The end connection point always vanishes. Does wonders for post launch part count.

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but that's not really the point...

@OP I bet there's probably a mod somewhere on here you just have to find it

Kerbal Joint-Reinforcement v1.0

Seems like a cool mod, but I haven't tried it for now.

And, apart from editing the .craft file, I have no idea on how to remove all struts at once...

Edited by el_coyoto
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i can never understand you people who build the massive webs of struts the most struts ive used between two tanks was when i was building a ufo ssto that self stables and that number was 5. two to keep the tanks on the ship two to keep the engines on the tanks and one between the tank that im not too positive i needed. and i never use reenforcement mods.

but to answer your question you need to remove the sections that all the struts start from and rebuild them this should not be to hard since its usualy whats being held to geather are the busters on an asparagus stage rocket

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With some patience you can actually select the base of the strut and remove it like any other part. It's a small target and often partially embedded in another part, but you can do it.

Alternatively, edit the craft file and just delete all the struts.


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Since Kerbal Joint Reinforcement seems to make things a little bit too strong (in my opinion, a rocket the size of a skyscraper shouldn't stand as still as a pencil), another mod you might try is KW rocketry. They have some Medium and Heavy struts that are much heavier than the super-light stock ones, but are also WAY stronger. If you don't want to install the whole mod, just go into the Parts folder (or the equivalent) and remove all parts except for the struts.

I use the heavy and medium struts all the time.

Or, you could use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. It just seems a bit overpowered to me.

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Well I'd rather first reach every planet in stock before I instal mods (granted I'm using mechjeb because I'm just sick of doing the adjustments, I like to make and watch stuff fly) and considering the furthest I've gone is Minmus I don't think it's any time soon, I mean I can't bring a rover anywhere without having my rocket sitting on it!

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