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A Space Dock / Construction Yard

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Something I was thinking about today is the difference between Earth and Kerbin Space Programmes. More specifically about how science fiction (that I presume the authors based on science fact) tend to not have huge interplanetary ships built on Earth itself, but instead assembled in orbit.

I wonder if something similar could work in KSP?

It strikes me that with the exception of some very creative solutions, career mode is supposed to be linear - with each new discovery making the next step more practical.

Therefore would an orbital construction yard perhaps help create a nature, recognisable gated barrier to just heading out "too far, too soon"?

Maybe have specific parts that are constructed on Kerbin but can only be assembled in orbit?

Isn't there a case in Earth science at the moment that specific compounds / crystals can ONLY be made in zero-G? In the Kerbal universe, couldn't those things be requirements of advanced rocketry?

Especially if those compounds are made in space and the player has to choose between transporting them back down to Kerbin or transporting other parts up to the micro-G factory?

Maybe go a stage further and once an orbital yard is available, it allows you to build/assemble parts which in turn are used to make a Mun base, which in turn... etc, etc.

Edit: Just found that Orbital Construction has already been listed in the What Not To Suggest sticky. My bad for not noticing sooner. I'd still like to see it in game, but I guess I already have my answer. :(

Edited by Queeg
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I dont know of anyone who doesent want orbital contruction in some way.

Some want unpacking. Rates of prebuilt craft, some want something like KAS and i want a VAB view where you build with parts you brought with you in storage crates. Many possibilities, all and every one is better than none.

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Edit: Just found that Orbital Construction has already been listed in the What Not To Suggest sticky. My bad for not noticing sooner. I'd still like to see it in game, but I guess I already have my answer. :(

The "Orbital construction and construction on other celestials" entry in the [thread=36863]what not to suggest list[/thread] is not marked by an asterisk. This means it is possible that it will be implemented in the stock game in some way (and in fact I have heard mention of offworld VABs and such in the past from the devs).

But since it is on the [thread=36863]what not to suggest list[/thread], thread locked. Have a nice day.

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