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[0.23]asmi's ECLSS Mod (current version - 1.0.15) - Life Support Mod


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I gotta say that that BobCat's regenerator model looks just awesome :)

Small teaser for you guys - BobCat is going to continue his work on HOME, and it will include some modules to interface with my ECLSS mod. Stay tuned! :)

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It took me a little bit but I just realized that it will only begin to change after shipwide C02 is reduced to 0. If for example you allow it to build up and then enable the regenerator, the Est. time with Regen will remain unchanged until all CO2 has been processed.

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It took me a little bit but I just realized that it will only begin to change after shipwide C02 is reduced to 0. If for example you allow it to build up and then enable the regenerator, the Est. time with Regen will remain unchanged until all CO2 has been processed.

Hm, gonna take a look right now!

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I've uploaded version 1.0.4. Download here: https://bitbucket.org/asmi/ksp/downloads/LifeSupportMod.1.0.4.zip

Here's what's going on - they way system estimated time with regenerators on is that it measures a flow of oxygen between two updates and divides total oxygen amount onboard by that number. This system works good for all circumstances except one - when regenerator produced more oxygen that it's consumed by the crew (and as such, oxygen flow is positive) - in this case the system can't really tell how long will it last since as far as it's concerned, it's infinite. So I've corrected display to indicate if positive flow is detected.

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Nice. Figured it was something like that. The two tiny configs that I whipped up earlier. I based the values off of the number of Kerbals the part supports (1 Candle, 400 O2, and 400 CO2 per). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hqij7nqp8c5yelq/-sQuCCTpEZ

B9 4.0c

Inflatable BASE (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/inflatable-habitat-base-update-0-20/)

I also whipped up a quick KAS enabled box that holds up to 10 replacement Oxy candles using zzz's blue Box A, if anyone is interested. An emergency candle carrying device is not likely to be used very often, but I wanted to see how easy it would be to KAS-ify parts (super).

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I am also getting huge amounts of FPS (5-6FPS on a craft that was 60 yesterday) lag, and my cpu usage on all 4 cores is 70+%, which is unusual for KSP (Normally only on 2 cores).

The only time it is not low fps is in VAB.

Mods Installed....

KSP Interstellar

Deadly Reentry


Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

Editor Extension

Mechjeb 2

Procedural Fairings


Near Future Propulsion

Remote Tech 2 Lite


TAC Fuel Balancer

Kerbal Alarm Clock

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@ Donziboy2

Isn't just you feeling the FPS heavy drop... as soon as I add this mod into GameData folder the game gets into a snail pace. Tried it on my other two PCs and get the same issue.

Oddly enough, when I installed this mod it changed my quality and rendering settings. Make sure you check that your quality settings haven't been messed with, I changed mine back to normal and it runs like a dream, from two updates ago.

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I'll take a look tonight. The problem is that this mod uses all available CPU cores, and I've got 12 of them (6 cores + HT) so it would be hard for me to judge if there is a difference...

I'll figure something out.

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I will go through code one more time to see if I could find any hotspots. If not I'll create some sort of profiling tool so I could see what is going on on your machines. So far it seems like it only happens on 2-core CPUs.

Edited by asmi
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I will go through code one more time to see if I could find any hotspots. If not I'll create some sort of profiling tool so I could see what is going on on your machines. So far it seems like it only happens on 2-core CPUs.

Im using a Quad Core i5-2500k @ 4.4ghz.

I also have a G15 keyboard so I can see my CPU/GPU usage ingame. Without ECLSS installed i run at about 35%CPU and 60FPS. Installed it jumped to over 70%CPU, and FPS crashes to like 4-8.

Both times using a 140 part ship on the launch pad.

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I got an i7 920 (4 cores with the 4 HyperThreading "half-cores" enabled) @ 3'40GHz, 12GB RAM and a GTX560Ti, and I got an epic FPS fall from about 30 to roughly 3, but only in my current savegame, using the same ship in a clean new game works perfectly, so it must be something wrong in my current game. I'll try to research into it later, but the plugin seems pretty interesting.

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I haven't noticed any framerate issues, but I tried this mod, and liked it. Flew a few missions with it, then installed the new remote tech, and it stopped working. All the parts are there, resource lists, its just no oxygen gets used, and no co2 gets produced, not sure what's up, experimenting now. Amyome else seen this, I may have just flubbed something.

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I haven't noticed any framerate issues, but I tried this mod, and liked it. Flew a few missions with it, then installed the new remote tech, and it stopped working. All the parts are there, resource lists, its just no oxygen gets used, and no co2 gets produced, not sure what's up, experimenting now. Amyome else seen this, I may have just flubbed something.

Confirming that this is a new issue since updating to RemoteTech v1.2.0. The following is looped in Debug but copied from output_log.txt.

ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealTimeModules.RealTimeVesselHandlersFramework.RegisterModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealTimeModules.RealTimeVesselHandlersFramework..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for RealTimeModules.RealTimeVesselHandlersFramework
at RealTimeModules.RealTimeSpaceCenterModule.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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Confirming that this is a new issue since updating to RemoteTech v1.2.0. The following is looped in Debug but copied from output_log.txt.

ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealTimeModules.RealTimeVesselHandlersFramework.RegisterModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at RealTimeModules.RealTimeVesselHandlersFramework..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for RealTimeModules.RealTimeVesselHandlersFramework
at RealTimeModules.RealTimeSpaceCenterModule.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Damn, I was hoping I was wrong, but yeah, removing remote tech fixed it for me. I really want this mod, but I loved the old remote tech, and I'm so happy to see it come back. I'll have to set this one aside until this conflict is resolved. I will be watching though. Keep up the good work!

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Via Resource Monitor while running the exact same build and launch sequence (3 part rocket), with and without LifeSupport (both new saves):

~3% increase in CPU utilization (mostly from cores 2-4)

~30,000kb memory usage increase (from part assets and dll in memory 2.611Gb --> 2.631Gb)

4 new threads (33 from 29)

Mods in use:

AIES_Aerospace (engines only)

B9_Aerospace (texture reduced) and its required plugins

BASE inflatables












KWRocketry (engines only)




NovaPunch2 (engines and parachutes only)






StretchyTanks and SRB



RemoteTech2 removed due to bugs and incompatibility with ECLSS.

Though anecdotal, I do experience a 1-3 second increased delay between scene changes (varies quite a bit) when I add ECLSS. With this list of mods/plugins though it could just be a "last straw" situation. The variation is loading time makes me think that this is a memory issue (paging) on my end (4Gb just isnt enough to run KSP, Windows, and many Chrome tabs). Will try again with Stock folder and ECLSS later.

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Question to guys who experience slowdowns - are you continuing existing saves (the ones that you've started before installing this mod), or it's slow on new saves as well?

A new career seems to work...... Which sucks;.;

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