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KSP Orbital Calculator [V0.10.1] - Now with selectable Celestrial Bodies

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Just created a small Orbital Calculator after noticing that there is the personal need for me to calculate the orbital speeds needed for circular orbit injections at different heights.

At the moment its rather simple, but I intend to extend the program so that I can eventually calculate the delta-v needed for orbital injections and the time needed for a burn calculated from the velocities of an elliptic orbit.

And as I\'m open about software, feel free to check it out via git. :P

I moved the project to Google Code! Yey!

If you experience any problem, please set up a ticket with attached sysout.log file. Thank you.



Corrected Mun Data, still needing Kerbin data

Added new Stock Parts

Link to V0.10.1 Download

* Data on these Celestrial Bodies needs to be confirmed

Old Versions:


Removed Bi-Elliptic Transfer Orbit Calculator until further notice

Added support for more celestrial bodies in the orbit calculations (KEarth, Mun*, Sun*)

Added new Stock Parts

Link to V0.10 Download

UPDATE V0.9.5:

Corrected Bi-Elliptic Transfer Orbit Calculations

Added Upper Atmosphere into the Graphic Model

Reduced the Orbital display inaccuracy a little when in elliptical display

Link to V0.9.5 Download

UPDATE V0.9.4:

Corrected a bug that I overlooked in the 0.9.3 bugfix.

Link to V0.9.4 Download

UPDATE V0.9.3:

Corrected an error that has gotten into the Delta-v calculation.

Link to V0.9.3 Download

UPDATE V0.9.2:

Made Sure that the Calculator recognizes Hyperbolic Trajectories when they are entered in the Elliptic Orbit Calculator

Link to V0.9.2 Download

UPDATE V0.9.1:

Bug Fixes

Link to V0.9.1 Download


Added a Bi-Ellipstic Transfer Orbit Calculator (may be buggy)

Fused Generic Parts and Custom Parts Staging Calculators

Link to V0.9 Download

UPDATE V0.8.2.5:

Made a couple of minor GUI updates and modifications.

Link to V0.9 Download

UPDATE V0.8.2.4:

Hopefully the Bugfix release for this release...

Link to V0.8.2.4 Download

UPDATE V0.8.2.3:

Bugfix Release!

Now with log file outout

Link to V0.8.2.3 Download

UPDATE V0.8.2.2:

Bugfix Release!

Link to V0.8.2.2 Download

UPDATE V0.8.2.1:

Bugfix Release!

Link to V0.8.2.1 Download

UPDATE V0.8.2:

Added Images and Custom Part support for the staging calculators.

Disabled the Edit Button until the next version.

Link to V0.8.2 Download

UPDATE V0.8.1:

Bug Fix release. The images that I put in do not work when packed up into the jar format.

Link to V0.8.1 Download


Added a Calculator for Multi Stage Rockets. At the moment it does not take burned out SRBs into account, but that will be added later.

Thanks foamy for your Delta-v spreadsheet. Was very useful to build the Stage Calculators.

Link to V0.8 Download


Added a Stage Calculator for various information about the sage you are building.

Also two updates within a day, must be a weekend... :P

Link to V0.7 Download

UPDATE V0.6.6:

Added Orbit Display Usability to the Hohmann Orbit Calculator

Added a Help System

Link to V0.6.6 Download

UPDATE V0.6.5:

Fixed a little bug in the Elliptic Orbit Calculator.

Added a graphical display for Elliptic and Circular Orbits.

Link to V0.6.5 Download


Added an Elliptic Orbit Calculator.

Link to V0.6 Download

UPDATE V0.5.1:

Cleaned up the code and added some more features to the Hohmann Calculator. I also marked the Launch Orbit Calculator as Experimental.

And I added a pair of launcher scripts for Windows and Linux and a changelog.

Link to V0.5.1 Download


Added Orbital Period to the Hohmann Transfer Orbit and tried my hand on a Calculator for the Launch Orbit trajectory. But I\'m pretty sure that I either got the math wrong or that we can\'t enter the correct Velocity Vector Angle at Burnout.

Link to V0.5 Download


Reworked the GUI code a little and added Delta-v Calculations to the Hohmann Transfer Orbit.

Link to V0.4 Download


Corrected the calculation for the Escape Velocity and added a Hohmann Transfer Orbit calculation.

Link to V0.3 Download


Added a calculation for Escape Velocity, but I\'m not sure that the calculation is correct...

Link to V0.2 Download

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Yeah, great work on this. I can finally get rid of my 100-somthing long notepad doc with all my circular orbit velocities :P

Just a suggestion;

Could you add the escape velocity for each height to it as well?

Keep up the good work :)

Edit: Spelling. :-[

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The circular orbital velocity for a particular orbit is actually extremely simple to calculate on your own. In short:

Circ_Vel = sqrt(GravParam/OrbitRadius)

Where the gravitational parameter, GravParam, is Newton's gravitational constant multiplied by the mass of Kearth. Then, just pick an orbital radius (which is the radius of the planet plus the altitude you want to orbit at) and there you go. :)

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  Warringer said:


Corrected the calculation for the Escape Velocity and added a Hohmann Transfer Orbit calculation.

Link to V0.3 Download

All your numbers agree with what i get :)

On a side note; the Hohmann transfer just blew my mind. This calculator is awesome.

Now my goal will be to get into a stable circular orbit at 50km, and then transfer out to a stable circular orbit at 100km. :)

Keep up the good work, this calculator makes it a lot easier :)


50km --> 100km Orbit transfer complete :). Calculator works like a charm.

Edit: Side note.

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  RazorTheHackman said:

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, how do I use it? I got the jar file, but I'm not sure what to do with it besides unzipping it and I can't find any kind of executable.

The Jar file is an executable, you should be able to run it in the form that it is downloaded in. :)

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  StrayEagle said:

All your numbers agree with what i get :)

On a side note; the Hohmann transfer just blew my mind. This calculator is awesome.

Now my goal will be to get into a stable circular orbit at 50km, and then transfer out to a stable circular orbit at 100km. :)

Keep up the good work, this calculator makes it a lot easier :)


50km --> 100km Orbit transfer complete :). Calculator works like a charm.

Edit: Side note.

Good to know that my calculations are correct them. :)

So anyone has any suggestions what should be added?

I'm thinking of a calculator which can give you the elliptical orbit at entering the Apogee/Perigee altitude and the speed at that moment to give you the Perigee/Apogee.

Now if I just could find the right formulas... :-[

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Can you read ksp's memory space with java ? would be nice to have MFD instruments, even if they're not in the main game as I play in windowed mode. That's maybe way over what you asked for ? :)

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The Hohmann transfer calculator seems to be displaying incorrect values for the target orbit insertion velocity. It seems to be displaying the velocity at this point in the Hohmann orbit, and not the velocity required for injection into the target orbit (which should be the circular orbit velocity at the target altitude). The delta-v requirements seem correct, so perhaps it's just a matter of printing the wrong number.

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  Warringer said:

Nope the Hohmann Calculator displays the correct velocities for the target orbit.

Depending on the difference between the orbits the velocity change needed for injection can be rather low.

Hmm, ok. I guess I was just expecting a different velocity than the one given. They both make sense.

Also, thanks for putting this together; this makes landing at KSP much easier.

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