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[0.20.2] Gaby's Quick And Dirty Miscellania: v1.3


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So, welcome to Gabyalufix\'s Quick and Dirty Miscellania. This is mostly just junk I threw together at the last minute, when I realized I wanted to stick something on my rocket, but none of the other mod packs had what I wanted.

Get the pack here.

The Prometheus LFT's: These huge tanks mount 7x large engines. They come in 7 x 3.75m, 7x5m, and a massive 7x7.5m.



-Heavy radial decoupler.


-2.5m, 3.75m, and 5m stack-radial decouplers.


Landing legs: These are just stock rescales of standard landing legs. Placeholders until I can get unity working properly …

-1.5x, 2x, and 3x scaled-up folding landing legs.

-1.5x, 2x, and 3x scaled-up hydraulic telescoping/folding landing legs.


6 Nuclear reactors: They\'re big and heavy, but they provide enormous amounts of power. Can also be used to power laser or ion drives. Come in 3 sizes: 2.5m, 3.75m, and 5m. Each size comes in an inline and a endpiece variant.


We also have two HUGE habitation modules. One is 5m in diameter, the other is 7.5m in diameter. Designed to carry 32 and 64 kerbins respectively, but can carry more in a pinch.



Now I've actually got it functioning with a ladder and everything. No IVA's though, sorry.

Finally, a next-gen VASIMR high-efficiency plasma engine. Currently it only works in high-efficiency, low-thrust mode.


The efficiency numbers are taken from some best-guess approximations from some fellas at NASA.


Along with various other sources. The design is (very loosely) based off of this design. from adastra.

Enjoy! And let me know if you use my stuff on anything fun!

Edited by gabyalufix
New Version, with bugfixes.
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The station was just something I threw together to test the limits of my Skybax heavy lifter spaceplane. More pics here, down at the bottom of the first post: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5690.0

I actually sent it into kerbalkerbin escape orbit with that thing. The plan was to try for a mun drop, but the lag was too intense. I was averaging 2 seconds per frame or so . . . Lotta struts . . . .

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By the way. Did some math:

A 747 freighter has 858 cubic meters of cargo space. Scale that down by a factor of 4 to get 13.40625 cubic meters, a Kerbin-scale equivalent.

My units are 2-meter by 2-meter, so the volume is 2pi, or 6.28318531 cubic meters. I\'m betting this hab mod could hold 250 kerbins, packed like sardines (to account for the extra 0.839879386 cubic meter, and the walls and life support and such).

Just sayin. Volume scales with the cube of scale. Handy fact.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the pack!

One question: would I be correct in inferring from the thread title that your pronouns are she/her/etc.? I ask in reference to this post:

Dat space station :o

Guys..., guys..., this guy wins the space station race, lets all go home now =P

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Though to be fairly honest, i have not encountered any females on these boards, unless i have been blind yet again...

Yeah I\'ve noticed that. Why is that?

I\'ll show off my ships to my male friends, and we\'ll go on about it, arguing over what it\'s missing, power usage, heat dissipation, etc. But my female friends, even the ubergeeky ones? Eyes glaze over, instantly. Even my wife, who actively enjoys hearing my LARP/tabletop stories any my many other geekeries, can\'t even successfully pretend to be interested in my ships. It\'s as incomprehensible to her that I do this stuff as it is to me that she can\'t comprehend it.

Very odd.

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Currently it\'s just a 50-unit fuel tank. I don\'t like the 'fill up fuel tanks' thing for these purposes, since (1) you wouldn\'t have infinite nuclear fuel, and (2) negative fuel use has some odd properties, and can fill tanks beyond capacity.

There\'s an ion drive out there that this thing would probably power for years.

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New update. Added some radial stack decouplers. Made them purely because earlier tonight I was annoyed that I didn\'t have radial stack decouplers for 2m and 3m modules. They are even quicker and dirtier than usual, but they work.

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I\'m not sure if I know what you mean. Why can\'t you attach things to the top of the hab module? What are you trying to attach?

I stack these things all over the place. Plus, all I changed was the fuel capacity, the name, and the texture, so it should work just like the fuel tank.

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Well, after I posted this I messed about and found that the attachment nodes didn\'t even appear for some parts, including some 2m parts from other packs. Maybe it was PEBKAC, I\'m not sure. Sadly the rocket I was designing went through three aborts then was scrapped because the nuclear reactor and hab module being at the top made it tip over fully once there was any kind of tipping. Might try a pulling-type design with the nuclear reactor down low when I get around to it. Still, loving the fuel dump valve and other parts! Thanks!

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