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So I finally made a forum account


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I've been playing the game for months now, but never decided to actually make a forum account. Mostly because I never thought I would get that into the game. I have a minor interest in astronomy and meteorology, and a passion for simulators, but I fell in love with this game for some reason. Maybe because it keep a nice balance of realism without having a learning curve that's too steep for a casual gamer, or maybe it's because the goals are so great.

My first successful Mun mission today without killing or standing poor Jeb is what finally made me join. I hope to have a long stay :D

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Let me be the first to say welcome aboard Java! May there be many more successful missions in your future. On a side note, if you can get to Mun and back you could probably do the same for Minmus with the same craft. The lower gravity means you save a lot of fuel during the landing stage. Good luck!

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