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Spazer.net Kerbal Multi Player Server Information


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  Vladthemad said:
I also see you aren't going to use KAS. TAC Self Destruct serves little purpose if you can't attach it to things. Sadly the explosions don't damage nearby ships/bases/Kerbals, so without being able to stick them onto someone else's ship in EVA it's just a fancy way of deleting your own stuff without going to the Tracking Center.

KAS added...


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  bcspazer said:
Oh goodness... another MechJeb debate! LOL

Honestly, I can do everything pretty darn well except docking - the reason I use MechJeb is that I don't play the game to pilot - I play the game to build... I've played my fair share of flight sims (oh, the days of X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter!!!) just not really my thing anymore. ;-)

I do agree though that a BattleServer shouldn't have it - it would make it far to easy for noobs or griefers to jump on and start ramming into whatever they please...


It took me awhile to figure out how to dock. I finally managed to do it last week, well at least I managed to bump two ships into eachother...but for the life of me, right now I can't remember what made it so simple for me. At time time I thought "Well hell, that turned out to be a lot easier now that I realized *whatever*". Fack...I bet now I couldn't do it again!

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Alright, extracting the bits from my mod control file. Are you going to use ALL the EL parts? Not sure if they all work or not. I pulled out the ungainly ones and added their functions to Kethane parts. I'm in the process of making a module manager file to add the EL ore extraction and conversion functions to Kethane so players won't need to modify cfgs like I have for my server. I think I can use the same config to remove the parts with duplicate functions. Just curious so I know what to hand over. Also are you white/blacklisting dlls and checking folder structures?

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  Vladthemad said:
Alright, extracting the bits from my mod control file. Are you going to use ALL the EL parts? Not sure if they all work or not. I pulled out the ungainly ones and added their functions to Kethane parts. I'm in the process of making a module manager file to add the EL ore extraction and conversion functions to Kethane so players won't need to modify cfgs like I have for my server. I think I can use the same config to remove the parts with duplicate functions. Just curious so I know what to hand over. Also are you white/blacklisting dlls and checking folder structures?

Don't know enough about the EL parts to say...

From what you are saying, sounds like we are going to have to have a downloadable zip for players to install for the mods. I'm ok with that as long as it doesn't get too large...

I think a whitelist on dlls would be best - otherwise crafty people will figure out how to do bad things (mechjeb being the best example)

Might as well check folder structure...


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A modpack wouldn't be an issue at all.

I hope that when official servers are out they check server mods and offer to download them from spaceport 2 right away.

Then apply the server config files to all parts that have its configs changed.

And maybe have a system like mod control to enable/disable them in the game.

So you could play vanilla but join modded servers easily.

And this would also prevent cheating/hacking like xray on minecraft.

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  bcspazer said:
Don't know enough about the EL parts to say...

From what you are saying, sounds like we are going to have to have a downloadable zip for players to install for the mods. I'm ok with that as long as it doesn't get too large...

I think a whitelist on dlls would be best - otherwise crafty people will figure out how to do bad things (mechjeb being the best example)

Might as well check folder structure...


Well that's the beauty of the module manager, easy to customize stuff. Up to you. In my opinion some of the models in EL need an update which is why I dropped them and added their abilities to Kethane. It's just personal preference.

Small config file to make everything work as desired. I've about finished up my copy, had some tweaking to do. So let me know what you want and I can get it done.

Also, I know I'm the only one that mentioned it, but does anyone else have a desire to use their own custom flags? If so we'd have to make those available as well.

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  Vladthemad said:
Well that's the beauty of the module manager, easy to customize stuff. Up to you. In my opinion some of the models in EL need an update which is why I dropped them and added their abilities to Kethane. It's just personal preference.

Small config file to make everything work as desired. I've about finished up my copy, had some tweaking to do. So let me know what you want and I can get it done.

Also, I know I'm the only one that mentioned it, but does anyone else have a desire to use their own custom flags? If so we'd have to make those available as well.

Just need the kmpmodcontrol.txt and kmpserverconfig.txt if that's what you've built... if not, I have a long weekend - I can fill in any gaps if needed.

I'd like to replace the number four server ([24/7 US-Central][Modded] SpazerMod01) with this - #4 doesn't see any action.

Let me know what you need help with.

Edit: are you using mySql?


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No, no sql...one day I should bother learning to use it, but currently I do everything by hand. MWAAHAAHAHA. I don't think I actually changed anything in the config file, mailing the mod control file to you right meow.

Edit: Also, you probably won't need a module manager cfg unless you want me to change some stuff up. Like I said, I'm not a fan of the current models so I edited my own stuff. As you aren't going with career mode you won't need to add anything to the tech tree, so the sparrow missile should work properly...the rest I think are all current. All they should need to do is DL the mods, install them, and it should run fine. Let the destruction begin!

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  Vladthemad said:
No, no sql...one day I should bother learning to use it, but currently I do everything by hand. MWAAHAAHAHA. I don't think I actually changed anything in the config file, mailing the mod control file to you right meow.

Edit: Also, you probably won't need a module manager cfg unless you want me to change some stuff up. Like I said, I'm not a fan of the current models so I edited my own stuff. As you aren't going with career mode you won't need to add anything to the tech tree, so the sparrow missile should work properly...the rest I think are all current. All they should need to do is DL the mods, install them, and it should run fine. Let the destruction begin!

Looks good...

I'll get the server running sometime today! (it was a busy weekend ;-) )


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Installing mods, will be there ASAP!


you misspelled "Extraplanetary Launchpads" as "ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads", had to delete the space to be abble to join.

LANDER 4 and Habitat ships did not load, it said several parts were missing.

edit2: both seems fixed, and map reset now

good to go!

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  tetryds said:
Installing mods, will be there ASAP!


you misspelled "Extraplanetary Launchpads" as "ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads", had to delete the space to be abble to join.

LANDER 4 and Habitat ships did not load, it said several parts were missing.

edit2: both seems fixed, and map reset now

good to go!

Do you mean the folder name as being one of those required? That's typical from my observations. It's rare to find a mod that actually uses a space in naming any of the folders or files, although some will have an underscore. As I took the names straight from the extracted zips when I built out the configs for Spazer, I'm surprised yours had a space in it to begin with. I think the reasons they don't use spaces is either because the unity engine doesn't like spaces (you won't even find them in any values and whatnot in the config files) or because perhaps the other OSs, linux and macOS, don't like them.

Now if you guys have problems with misspelled words, that's all on me...big hands and fast typing tend to do that :)

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Also, regarding Extraplanetary Launchpads: There's a quirk you'll experience on building a ship. Once it's built, you'll need to use the [ and ] keys to switch to the new ship to get anything else to work. It seems to screw up the GUI until you do this, as you'll be unable to leave the area, switch to a different ship from the map, return to KSC, or anything else.

Regarding Kethane: I've been having some issues with it retaining the locations of Kethane and ore as well as my scans. It's hit or miss, but I'd suggest making some sort of mobile drill platform instead of a stationary one. I might be able to play three or four times without a problem, but on the fourth or fifth time my previously scanned hexes are cleared and the locations have changed. It's a bit of a pain, but easy enough to work around.

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  bcspazer said:
Yup - I added the space back in and it matches what is unzipped from the EPLP download. Both of us were able to join after that.


That's strange...mine has no space! Are you guys running 3.7?

  tetryds said:
@Vlad: I had issues with Kethane, but you need to replace it's dll by Extraplanetary Launchpads dll in order for it to work.

That caused me to not be abble to place scanners but in your case it can be another issue.

I'm not sure what the deal on my side with Kethane...as I'm using a different setup on my own server currently, it was having that issue. It's recently stopped though. I wonder if it has to do with adding and removing mods. We shall see what happens when I add new mods shortly. :)

I didn't have any issue requiring a change in DLL either...so I'm beginning to think maybe you guys have grabbed an older version of EL?

Is this where you grabbed the EL Download? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545

Update: I went and checked, and the only version I found that had the space in the folder name was v3.0 linked as the *new* version on the legacy version forum. Meaning that the creator is linking an outdated version created by the person that's taken over the project. 3.7 is what I built that file off of, and may very well have a lot of updates and better parts ;)

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  Vladthemad said:
That's strange...mine has no space! Are you guys running 3.7?

I'm not sure what the deal on my side with Kethane...as I'm using a different setup on my own server currently, it was having that issue. It's recently stopped though. I wonder if it has to do with adding and removing mods. We shall see what happens when I add new mods shortly. :)

I didn't have any issue requiring a change in DLL either...so I'm beginning to think maybe you guys have grabbed an older version of EL?

Is this where you grabbed the EL Download? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545

Update: I went and checked, and the only version I found that had the space in the folder name was v3.0 linked as the *new* version on the legacy version forum. Meaning that the creator is linking an outdated version created by the person that's taken over the project. 3.7 is what I built that file off of, and may very well have a lot of updates and better parts ;)

I have updated the link in on the first post as well as the file on the server - the latest version will now work!


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  iamtherik said:
ok I tried to connect to your server and when I finally did, I found so muuuuuuuuuch debris and stuff going on that that was the reason my game kept crashing ... D:.

All server Universes except the Battle Server have been cleared!


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Servers cleared.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  webbertee said:
This Server is down, what happend?:

[24/7 US-Central][No Mods-Career] SpazerStock02Career


Apparently TimeWarner decided to crap out.

I will have the servers back up ASAP.


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It doesn't seem like anyone has mentioned it yet, but EPL has been taken over I believe and a newer version is out where the dll has been slightly renamed not on the whitelist. I don't even know if I can join without it, but I'm about to try.

Oh I guess you can't.

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