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New Kerbalnaut, reporting and terrified.


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Hello everyone! I am a new player after having the game for about... four days? It might be longer. I looked into the Space Program. And the Space Program has looked into me. (Best Reference ever?)

Anyways. Four days ago I bought the game from the website. Provided me with entertainment even though the only successful landing I've had so far is testing my Munar Lander. On Kerbin. And it was barely successful. Right. So... Hello!

Also: What's with people making corporations and such? Not complaining just very curious :I

Edited by catman1776
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Hello, and welcome!! For your first question, the "corporations" are a group of people (duh) and most of them make mods for the game, or something along those lines. Also don't worry about you kerbin landing, it took me a while to ever get off the launch pad... Just give it time! I wish you luck in the future and welcome to the forums again! Have fun.

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Haha, ask and you shall recieve!


As a warning, it's 507 parts off the launchpad. I'm not sure how that compares to most regular craft, but it's the highest part count I've done in a single craft and you might have framerate issues at launch. Also, once the purple light goes green and you can launch, the craft sort of "bounces" around a bit. As such, it is prone to blowing up before launch. I'd just recommend relaunching and hoping it doesn't blow up.

It's meant to be a space station and refuelling platform. It is computer controlled with 2 hitch-hiker storage units for kerbal passengers. It carries 2 orange tanks worth of fuel, as well as some RCS fuel. Both times I've launched it I've had to refuel it once it got into orbit, as I've had to use that fuel getting it up there. It has 2 free docking ports, 2 extendable solar panels and various other bits and pieces

It's difficult to fly but it can get into orbit. If you have trouble try sending me a PM and I'll see if I can help.

Good luck!

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Welcome. As abit of practice on things, I'd suggest looking up Scott Manley on Youtube. He has tuturials on everything you can think of in KSP (and more).

Also some mods could help you. Mechjeb is an autopilot with tons of usefull information the stock game doesn't give you, such as deltaV. DeltaV can be translated directly to distance. You need 4500m/s deltaV to get into orbit around Kerbin for example.

Also: let mechjeb do a landing on Minmus for you (start with minmus instead of the Mun. Lower gravity makes it easier), observe, and than try to replicate it

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