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Kerbal Space Comic (Youtube Series)


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What is it?

KSC is an idea I came up with to tell a story with KSP. Seeing as making video was difficult (and slow FPS wise) I decided to make a hybrid comic instead. Some video is used, and I am able to add in dialogue without any issues. The first episode has taken about 6 hours of building, filming, editing and scripting. The series will follow a story, and when that story has ended a new series will be made with a new story.

Can I get involved?

Yes! Plot ideas and spacecraft would help me greatly. Any contribution will be credited, of course.

First episode:

Second Episode:

Please post any suggestions here or in the comments.

Edited by musketeer
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I'm happy that you guys like it :D I've nearly fully filmed the second episode, and I'll edit it tomorrow. I may have it up tomorrow or on monday. I'll be aiming for 1 video every other day, or twice a week.

Stay tuned and subscribe to make sure you see new episodes!

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