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The FF moon exploration program.


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Hi today i started the FF moon exploration program, a program to try to explore all the moons in the kerbin system.

The First Step

The first step in the FF moon exploration program was to land on the Mün which was... 50% percent sucessfull.

The mission used a FF-Moonfly13 to transport the lander to the Mün.

The rocket :


Landed on the Mün :


The mission was operated by Falcon kerman, who realised after landing on the mün, he did not have enough fuel left...

So i sent a resque guy to resque him, which now also needs to be resqued because his engine exploded..


But hey don't worry, the FF moon exploration program have just beginned!

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So since we've sent two vessels to the mün i think minmus needs a bit attention now, so therefor let's send a probe in orbit around minmus!

The probe is called The Filip Minmus Exploration Probe (FMEP) and is equipped with a small fuel tank housing 45 units of liquid fuel, 4 solar panels, 2 small solar arrays, 4 landing legs (placed there if the probe launch failed, or if we had enough fuel to land on minmus) 1 antenna, 1 COMM DTS-M1 and the tiny tiny Rockomax 48-7s.

The probe was launched for several reasons ; To get clear pictures of minmus (the pictures we get from the sattelites in orbit around kerbin isn't clear enough), test if the COMM DTS-M1 reached all the way out to minmus (i'm using remotetech), check the temprature in orbit and see if the FF-moonfly13 could make the probe reach minmus.

The first picture sent from the probe to mission control (the picture was taken while the probe was orbiting kerbin at a very high altidude)


Doing some manuvrering to get into minmus encounter :


In minmus orbit, and the first ever clear picture of minmus (it's amazing!)


This mission proved that the COMM DTS-M1 can reach all the way out to minmus, it also proved that the FF-moonfly13 could make the probe reach minmus.

I would say this was a 100% sucessfull mission :D

The probe is now orbiting in a 280.000x800.000m

Edited by kola2DONO
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