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In Career 2.0 Extreme Mode, you will have to go to the various planets and deploy one piece of equipment per mission, either a rover, lander, or satellite. During the mission, you will have a limited amount of life support on board. You must complete your mission before you run out of life support and your crew dies from lack of oxygen. Oxygen and life support systems aren't in KSP yet, but we can generate them artificially. RCS fuel is now your life support system. Use it wisely, if you use RCS to control your craft or dock to another craft, you better do it quickly or risk running out. This also means that the amount of time you have to complete the mission is limited by the amount of RCS life support you bring with you. RCS life support is measured in minutes. 1 unit of RCS equals 1 minute of air. So the FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank has 750 units of RCS fuel and that = 750 units of life support air = 750 min divided by 60 min = 12.5 or 12 hours and 30 minutes of air. Command pods also have built in air supplies. Each 1 Kerbal capacity command pod gets 2 hours of air. The Mk2, Mk3, and Mk1-2 have 4 hours of air. A Kerbal's space suit carries 100 minutes of air. If a Kerbal goes EVA you have to add that time to the mission time to get your current air expenditure. So if a Kerbal is on the surface of Mun for 10 minutes, you add ten minutes to your timer by accelerating time 10 minutes with the craft stationary and then you can proceed.

There's more than just life support. You also have to build your ships within a set budget limit. The ship also has to return to the surface of Kerban intact with the crew inside. You get 50% of the cost of that craft back and it gets added to your space program's budget. If you don't use all of the cost of the budget to build your space craft and lander, then that money is saved as your excess and gets carried over to the next mission. If you go over budget, then you are in the negative and you have to make that money up by recovering you vehicle from a successful mission. Every stock part in KSP currently has a cost value assigned to it, but it isn't yet implemented in the game yet. The cost is in the top left corner of the descriptions when you mouse over the part.

All of the missions and launches must be completed in compliance with NASA launch vehicles. Found Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:NASA_space_launch_vehicles

And referenced below. If I'm missing anything with these let me know.

When you have a lander, it must land and dock back at the main command module. The lander may be discarded if you choose, but you will loose the 50% money back bonus for not landing it back at Kerban with you.

You will need one crew member to complete each mission and the ability to carry the payload to the planet. Missions will be scaled and go in a specific order and visit all of the planets and moons. The payload may be different depending on the mission. Example: you won't have to land a kerbal on Eve the first time you go there. You may have to land a rover instead, or get a satellite in orbit.

Use of Mech Jeb, deadly reentry, and communications mods are permitted. You must use all stock parts for the craft. No use of cheats or debug menu at any time. For submissions, post a screenshot of your craft, list the part count, total cost, any mods used, also show the open resources tab and mission timer in all screenshots. For completion of the missions, post screenshots of the landing of gear or Kerbals and the landing back at Kerban. The leaderboard will consist of those who manage to save the most money. Your current budget is your leaderboard rank, the person with the highest budget is #1. Additional Kerbals that are landed on the planet and returned safely to the surface of Kerban are worth + $5,000. These Kerbals must be in a command pod. The use of the external command seat is forbidden at all times unless it's on a rover. In which case you will need to land the rover first and then land the Kerbal that drives the rover. That Kerbal must then return to the command pod and return to Kerban. Each Kerbal that is brought on a mission and doesn't return to Kerban is worth - $5,000. Completing missions successfully award a base amount that is predetermined for each mission.

All missions and cost constraints will be pretested by me to ensure that the mission can be completed. I then round up and establish the baseline budget for the mission. This gives you some freedom in the craft you can build and it also ensures that people of different skill levels can complete the mission. Remember that everything costs money and also remember to plan ahead and bring enough life support with you for the mission. Consider test flights to be computer simulations that are free. Actual execution of the missions must be documented. If you fail a mission then you're out of the money of everything used so far, you then go into debt and have a negative balance.





Mission 01 Apollo

From the KSC HQ:

Your mission is to land on the Mun Apollo Style. You will need to build your craft within a budget of $100,000 If you don't know what Apollo style means, then look up Apollo 11.

This includes the entire mission from the time of launch to the return safely on the ground. Make sure you plant a flag an take a picture so all of Kerban knows you were there and we didn't fake it.

Once you are done having fun on the Mun, return back to Kerban safely. If you manage to land your craft within the light colored grass area that surrounds the KSC or in the water within 5 km of the KSC shoreline, you save us some recovery costs and we will reward you with $10,000 If you land the lander module and the command module together, you get $15,000

Good luck Kerbonauts!


Edited by 700NitroXpress
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