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Kerbal Space Songs


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Hi Kerbonauts!

Long time reader (3 days), first time poster. I found that being stuck in space gives a person a lot of time to reflect and think on, well, everything. Endlessly spiraling in orbit around Kerbin because you carelessly wasted your Delta-V burning in the wrong direction makes a Kerbin think....how could I rewrite classic songs to describe my situation? Hence, I just wanted to share with the community a couple songs I rewrote while twirling around the cosmos. I usually mix these with videos I took of my adventures using an app on my phone, guaranteeing me a spot in the Dork's Hall of Fame. Enjoy!

Minmus Oddity - by David Kerbman

Ground control to major Jeb

Ground control to major Jeb

You're going to the Mun, you'll be quite the celeb

(Ten) Ground control (Nine) to Major Jeb (Eight)

(Seven, six) Commencing countdown (Five), systems red (Four)

(Three, two) Check your seatbelt (One) and may Bob's love be with you.

This is Ground Control to Major Jeb, you're going to the Mun

And the Kerbals want to know if it's too soon

Now it's time to EVA if you dare

This is Major Jeb to Ground Control, I'm hanging off the ship

And I'm spinning in a most disgusting way

Are you sure this is the time for EVA?

And here, is Jeb floating in a tin can far above Kerbin

No Delta-V for you, you're going to have to eat your shoes

And though I've past one hundred million metres, I guess I'm out of gas

Didn't have enough for the homeward blast

Tell Bob Kerbin he's a coward (he knows)

Ground Control to Major Jeb, your fuel is gone, there's something wrong!

Can you hear me Major Jeb??

Can you hear me Major Jeb??

Can you hear me Major Jeb??

Can you....

Here is Jeb floating in a tin can, far below the Mun,

Kerbin is so blue but I'm thinking that he's screwed.

Stuck up on the Mun - by Sting Kerbman and the Police

Giant tanks are a mistake

Stuck up on the mun

But how much fuel did Bob think to take?

Stuck up on the mun

I guess he'll wait forever

Stuck up on the mun

Rescue's coming? Never

Stuck up on, stuck up on the mun

Shoulda brought some more gas

Stuck here on the mun

My launch window has passed

Stuck here on the mun

Got no way to leave the ground

Stuck here on the mun

Screaming doesn't make no sound

Stuck here on, stuck here on the mun

Some may say

I should have brought an extra stage

No way

Think of the weight it takes

Some say

I'll just wait around all day

I'll stay

I may as well play

Landing here was a mistake

Stuck up on the mun

My landing gear, it always breaks

Stuck up on the mun

Waiting here forever

Stuck up on the mun

Rescue's coming? Never

Stuck up on, stuck up on the mun

Some may say

It's fun to EVA

No way

Cuz look at the price I pay

Some say

A rescue's coming my way

But I'll stay

I might as well stay

Yeah, I'm stuck (whoo-o-o-o-o-o-)

Yeah, I'm stuck (whoo-o-o-o-o-o-)

I know, dumb right? But hey, it's all in fun. Anyone have any others to add?

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Great idea! Picking up the pace a little I give you:

Jebediah - by 'Ozzy' Kerman

Finished with my first stage engines

Left those suckers far behind

People think I'm insane because

I am grinning all the time

All day long I dreamt of space

But nothing seemed to satisfy

Nearly lost my mind and then

I found a rocket ship to fly

Can you see me? Can you see me fly?

Flying high...

Woaah yeah!

Built a rocket, went to test it

Saw the fire in the sky

Happiness is extra boosters

Fit one more on if I try

Now I gotta course correction

Sent me swinging round the Mun

Holy smokes thats one big crater

Maybe gonna land there soon

And so as you hear these words

Remember now my smiling face

I tell you to enjoy life

I know I do but I'm in space!

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Haha good one. I often thought Jebediah was insane because he is grinning all the time. He grins when his ship is blowing up. He grins when he jetpacks into a mountain and slides for five miles on his face. He grins when he misses the Mun and twirls off into an eternal orbit around the sun. If that isn't insanity, I dunno what is lol.

Thanks for the contribution!

Edited by genera1mayh3m
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What about...

Jebediah was a Kerbal.

He was a good friend of mine.

Never understood why he grinned so much

but I helped him launch on time.

Leaving all the world

With all this fuel to burn

Burn to the mountains and the frozen seas

Burn until we're free.


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