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Hi there, thanks for this game


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Hello everyone,

Just wanted to say hi, and tell you people that you are doing an awesome job (including the modders!)

Please keep it going i think this game has HUGE potential!

First question though:

Is there any 'Spacerace' going on with only original parts? (records/longest mission/etc.)

So far i managed to travel ~500k meters with my original parts Shuttle (wings are kinda useless, arent they (except for lookings ofc ;) )? In fact, it made my shuttle harder to controll...) and successfully land again.

Well, i only played about 3 hours yet (shouldve read the tutorial, wouldve saved me some time i guess lol), so thats probably pretty poor. But i was kinda satisfied after i achieved my goal of 250k & back mission :)

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Guest ThatCrazyPilot
  Victor said:

Hello you!

I agree with you, this game got huge potential and the future is bright as hell!

Welcome to the forums.

Let\'s hope that hell is as bright, as you just mentioned.
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  Scereye said:

Is there any 'Spacerace' going on with only original parts? (records/longest mission/etc.)

Check the 'challenges' section of the forum. As for the wings, the fact that they made your craft harder to control is proof enough that they actually do work - as they did have an effect. Wings produce lift, but whether or not they\'ll help or make your craft unstable will depend greatly on your craft and where you place them. I\'d suggest taking a look at the 'How to..' section of the forum, lots of explanations there.

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