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[Experimental] Telemetrie Reader

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I\'m working on an Telemetrie Reader Programm. :-D

It works in a simple way, i read the data from the memory of KSP.

It\'s a little bit tricky to do that, but it work.

The bigest problem at this moment is to find memory adresse for the values i need.

The most of them are jumping around and don\'t stand at the same adress.

So maybe i need some help to locate them.

How and what you can do if you want to help me, i will post later.

The Programming Language is 'VB.net'.

I hope i can release some source and binaries soon.

Greatz Stumpftopf

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This is something that occurred to me, actually. Having that external program would be hella useful. Especially if you could pull apogee/perigee data for more precise orbital alignment burns.

Heh. Here\'s an idea- pseudo-autopilot. Input flight parameters, align your ship, and hit 'go' and it\'ll handle the burns with precision higher than a human, while using minor control inputs to keep the ship centered. Probably would never work... But it\'d be nice for precise Mun alignment burns.

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This is the first screenshot i made. Not really much to see.

The first step, you can see, is to read the time and the deltav from the Memory of KSP.exe.

The second step is to locate that values as integer, uintger and/or decimal in the memory.

So we get the value, for example, of the variable who is used in the programmcode.

If you wan\'t to help to lcoate them you can use this programm:


or an very advenced tool, like this:


Greatz Stumpftopf

If you wan\'t the Source PM me.

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I can almost see it now: an external mod for autopilot.

  • [li]Launch.[/li]
    [li]At altitude of 23,000 m, pitch 51° at 90° East.[/li]
    [li]Accelerate to a 100,000 m by 5,637,000 m orbit.[/li]

Press go. Walk away for 10 minutes. Oh look. It\'s in orbit.

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I can almost see it now: an external mod for autopilot.

  • [li]Launch.[/li]
    [li]At altitude of 23,000 m, pitch 51° at 90° East.[/li]
    [li]Accelerate to a 100,000 m by 5,637,000 m orbit.[/li]

Press go. Walk away for 10 minutes. Oh look. It\'s in orbit.

It would be kinda difficult, considering that all ships can be different. However, I once managed to make a ship that auto-orbited, back at 0.9, using a purely-timing based script I made. I don\'t have it anymore, though, because I use a different computer now, and I decided not to port the hard drive over (it was almost full and had lots of useless stuff in it).

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Do you have Python experience? It would be great, nay, godlike if a python module could be written for KSP!!! What are your tricks? I could study a bit and attempt to develop one if you are too busy with VB.net, wich i have no idea what it is. Python is more accessible to everyone and would make KSP a SERIOUS heavyweight!

It would be kinda difficult, considering that all ships can be different. However, I once managed to make a ship that auto-orbited, back at 0.9, using a purely-timing based script I made. I don\'t have it anymore, though, because I use a different computer now, and I decided not to port the hard drive over (it was almost full and had lots of useless stuff in it).

I think the trick is simply changing the angles of the ASAS; (i would consider ASAS autopilot in this case) it would make the rocket use the ASAS for making changes in angles. Throttle is easy. I wrote a little orbital insertion autopilot in python just for kicks and with a good code you can trim the manoevering very smoothly.

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The DeltaV isn\'t calculated. I only search for the string in the memory who is somthing like this xxx.xx m/s.

It isn\'t very realtime. I hope i can find the right adresses to get the values directly.

There\'s one problem: even a minor update to KSP .exe may make these addresses invalid :( And if you\'re ever going to write to these addresses to implement some kind of automatics the game may gladly crash.

I\'d rather wait for an API.

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The DeltaV isn\'t calculated. I only search for the string in the memory who is somthing like this xxx.xx m/s.

It isn\'t very realtime. I hope i can find the right adresses to get the values directly.

That\'s not Delta V, that\'s velocity.

Delta V is the total velocity potential of a rocket or a stage, as in :'The Saturn V third stage had a Delta V of x' or 'You need x Delta V to transfer from LEO to GEO'.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This shows incredible promise when an API is introduced. Right now its really hacking the game to get the values you need for conditions. As op had said, the values may change so best any work you do is based on standard variables.

Nice work!

I\'m itching for that API just as much as the next guy :)

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Delta v is literally change in velocity. The Saturn five has x delta v is basically saying the Saturn five can go frOm zero to x before it runs out of fuel. If you need x delta v to get to the moon, that means you need to go x faster than you are currently going

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