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Space Center Development

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As I've been watching some youtube videos and playing some KSP, it suddenly hit me. It's fun to research new devices. But hey, what about developing Space Center itself? And, after all, when you play game with Remote-tech, you NEED to have sattelite network. But what if you were able to build Tracking Stations in other parts of Kerbin? And then... what about building your R&D, VAB, SPH and Tracking Stations from scratch?

Let's say, at the start you have your HQ, where you plan or get new missions, a couple thousands of bucks and that's it. You need to spend your resources (or, simply - money) in order to build different facilities. You can build Hangar with a simple ground runway, really simple and small VAB with small basic launch pad, Small Tracking station with one antenna or Research facility. Each building will cost you money and, after it's built, you can upgrade it: in upgraded VAB you can build bigger rockets, in better SPH you can build more complex planes, upgrading R&D facility will give you more upgrades etc.

As for HQ, in this place you either get new missions, or make some of your own. Let's say, some TV company want's to get their new SUPER COOL Sattelite to transmit their awesome TV shows all over Kerbin, so you need to throw 3-4 sattelites for them into certain orbit. And how you do it? Nobody cares, make them in usual KSP style.

Or, maybe, goverment want's you to make some scientific experiment in limited amount of time. So you need to make it in time.

Or, even, maybe, some rich Kerbal want's to be first space tourist on the Mun! So you have a Kerbal, that will have to go to the Mun and walk and jump on it.

I guess, you get the idea on how you'll get money

Also, you actually choose, where to build your Space Center. Let's say, that building one in the vicinity of an equator is more efficient for launces, but places, that are closer to poles, are cheaper to start and you save more money by building your Space Center at certain places.

And yeah, by building specified buildings you get basic parts for your rockets. SPH gives you basic set of plane parts to buy, Astronaut Complex gives you basic Command Pod, VAB gives some simple rocket parts and Tracking Station gives you basic drone parts and, maybe simple battery. Everyhing else you have to research and develop.

Also, you need to buy fuel. And build fuel tanks in Space Center (after all, your ships have to be fuelled before they can fly).

I know, maybe this idead may not be original, and my english is horrifying, but I hope, some of this ideas will happen in the game at some point.

Edited by omega-envych
added ideas on getting money
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I would hazard a guess that a lot of this is already planned or in the works. The Space Center was recently "modularized" into hexagons (if I recall the dev note correctly) which could be preparation for it either being destroyable, configurable, or buildable in other locations. I think it would be great to launch from a Baikonur analog, or even from a Cape Canaveral. Of course both would work better with axial tilt... Anyway, this is a logical step in the "running your own space program" theme.

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One thing, that, I think, totally should be in the game, is the set of parts, available to player depending on what buildings are there. Let's just say, I want to play game starting with simple unmanned rockets and only after few successful launches start manned mission.

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