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First mission to Minmus [Post-0.22]


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Got back into KSP after a bit of leave from about 0.19 and decided to give the new features a spin, so a little bit in, still rusty as heck, I decide; 'Time to go to Minmus, you're getting no more science around here', and I build a launcher with a good amount of DV to get me there, but I still don't have Struts..

That's fine though, Bills spit and Jebs ducktape kept it together, seriously.


I manage to get this.. Double unintentional encounter with Minmus and the Mun when trying to transfer..


(Yes, that a fraps FPS counter and I'll be rendering out to footage and uploading t some when tomorrow)

Safe to say Bill made it back and came pelting through the atmosphere faster than a dog chasing a squirrel..

Sadly, no landing this mission, just a egg shaped polar orbit to get reports from high and low-ish orbit, I return with fuel to spar nicely enough, over estimation didn't screw me over.. This time..

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How the fracking frell did that not result in the whole thing coming apart and going kaboom?! That's some impressive rocket bending. :)

I have no idea my self, it's very violent with the shaking..

Hahahaha, boomerang to space. If one of my creations would bend so badly, i'd hit "Reverse Flight" before you would yell "Holy disassembly, Batman!: :D

I came soo close to doing that..

Anyway.. The video is being rendered and such, should be done somewhen in the next hour or two..

Edit, video done and uploaded;

Edited by Serconker
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