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Fuel Lines in .craft file


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Hi all,

I'm still mucking around with the asparagus building script and have come up against another small problem.

Fuel lines.

The fuel lines that I create don't transfer fuel.

I think the problem is with the cData field, specifically the tgt value.

# central fuel tank

part = fuelTank3-2_4294834092

# outer fuel tank

part = fuelTank3-2_4294802408

#fuel line from outer tank to central tank

part = fuelLine_4294798578

cData = tgt: fuelTank3-2_0; pos: -0.8595003,0.08103676,0.9263369; dir: -0.6787722,0.06399705,0.731555; rot: 0.5609854,-0.4304596,-0.4304598,-0.5609852

srfN = srfAttach,fuelTank3-2_4294802408

How is the number after the name of the target fuel tank (in the example above, _0) determined?

I've seen all sorts of (very low) numbers there, but I don't know how that number corresponds to the _4294834092 of the target fuel tank.

What I have tried is using the _4294834092 number in the cData tgt field, but that doesn't work - the physical connection is there between the two tanks, but no fuel flows. Only when I manually disconnect and reconnect the line does it work properly.

Any ideas?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

It turns out that the number after the target fuel tank does not relate to anything that I can work out.

It has nothing to do with the fuel flow.

As far as I can tell, you set where the fuel line attaches to the source tank, set the direction that it points, and the first part that it hits is the fuel destination.


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