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Kerbin gets just a little safer! (Maybe) (No, it doesn't)


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Herein follows a short report on my Kerbal Space Agency totally ripping off Activision. And why not?!


The only intact segment of pre-launch development records. We didn't lose the other segments, the chief engineer just forgot his camera. This image showcases the initial design for Command/Control Module of the station in question.



The first half of the Mk4 Command/Control Module in final orbit. 137,000 meters at a 35 degree orbital inclination.



The second half of the Mk4 C/CM is united with the first half...



...and solar arms are deployed.



C/CM approaches the Bunker.



Bunker and C/C Modules are united!



I don't know what to call this Module approaches the station. My insistence on making sure the platform is oriented in such a way to point its tail at the sun for the effect of the solar arms means not only can I not see what I'm doing here, but neither can the cameraman. Or you. Sorry! We'll hire a new DOP.



All segments are united and in position.



The KSA proudly presents the KR-ODIN. The Kerbal Reproduction Orbital Defense INitiative.



The Bunker even opens up! :D



Here's the original COD: Ghosts in-game station.



Fifteen minutes after the station was finally completed, someone tried to fire at the sun. Unfortunately the kinetic weapons don't work like that; the rod bounced around the bunker for a while before it punched a hole in the backside of the unit and destroyed the ASAS in control of maintaining orbit. The KR-ODIN landed on the perpetrator's house. Karma.

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