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I've been using subassemblies since 0.22 (favorite update!) and they've been working perfectly. However, (Without adding mods or anything) the subassemblies just stopped working. I can click that category in the vab/sph and it doesn't do anything. It just stays on the same page as it was before. Help?

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The only time I've experienced this is when ships have become corrupted, and the corruption happens when I build them with a mod part, save the design, delete the mod, and then try to load the ship in the VAB. Which of course doesn't work because it was built with a part that doesn't exist anymore. Are you sure you had no mods that are now gone that were included in one of those sub-assemblies?

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A complete reinstall shouldn't be necessary, but you may want to try removing the .craft files from your sub-assembly folder to see which is causing the problem. I'd be surprised if it were all of them, and with some process of removal you should be able to narrow down which one(s) are causing the problem.

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that should work(keeping in mind that the subassemblie is a new function thats bound to have hickups every once and a while. also it might be some thing as simple as the game has failed to reconize all the contents of the gamedata folder i still have problems with this problem in the stock version of the game on my flash drive i use to play on my school computers

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