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Real-Size Universe - Post-Exam Conundrums


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So, my exams finally finished yesterday so, after some golf and coffee I sat down to have a day of pleasure in the rescaled real-size Kerbal Universe mod.

I infinite-fueled myself to the Moon.


I failed to launch a mapping satellite.


I designed my first unmanned Munar Lander.


*NOTICE the RCS thrusters because I disabled all my reaction wheels/torque in all command pods(including mods' ones).

I also "legitimately" visited Kerbol. Apparently it's quite big... And hot.




She is beautiful, Kerbin, isn't she?


So, what have you done today?

Edited by ANWRocketMan
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@Chief5697: Wow! That's a pretty epic Kerb-mobile! I do find those wheels to be buggy. Tried them on Duna... I was breakdancing more than roving.

p.s. What struts are those? Do they come with LLL?

@Zuni: I've been fixing and upgrading my install the last two days. Will do some more missions, hopefully tomorrow. But a lot of my parts still need re-sizing(especially solar panels and command modules/probe cores).

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They go with the Kosmos mod pack. I'm building a second version with the resized rover wheels from LLL right now. I plan on having the hinges from the Infernal Robotics mod and making collapsible wings on the sides. Flying rovers sound good to me.

Edited by Chief5697
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My latest Rover Misadventures!

I tested my first version of the new ATRR (All Terrain Research Rover) Celtanus MkIII. I tried doing a fold-up wing design, but it turned more of into a wheelie machine with wings on the sides...


I activated brakes to stand my rover up on two wheels.


I used heavy RCS to make an attempt at lifting it lightly into the sky. Thats when everything went all kinds of wrong.

End result...


I used Procedural Wings for the wing parts. Very helpful mod, I highly recommend!

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