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First Time Kirbin Player's Rookie Mistake


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I just picked up the game yesterday and have been playing all day today and yesterday. It took a while, but I've finally gotten to the point where I can get into a nice orbit somewhat regularly. Spurred on by my success, I thought I would try and send up an un-manned rocket/satellite to try and intercept my currently orbiting Kirbin. While rocketing upward, I wasn't paying as close attention to the rocket as I should and, well this happened.


Gonna keep practicing though, hopefully I should be able to get the hang of it soon.

Edited by ClearlySane88
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Welcome aboard maty, if yer trying to post a screenie, I suggest you get directly to your screenshots on the steam website, click it once, let it pull up, click it again to let it get into a new window or new tab, then copy the link and paste it in. otherwise, we can't see a darn thing from File:///C: lol, just for future reference!

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Ah Thanks for the help! I'll try again in a couple.

Edit: Just got it up after a couple of attempts. Thanks again! Also, a quick update. I was able to get the first ship of the rendezvous, the Please Don't Hit Me, up with relatively no problems, except for running out of fuel. Hopefully I'll be able to get the Not in the Face! up with enough remaining to bring it back home as well.

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If you have trouble docking, and watching YT tutorials is not helping consider installing MechJeb. I've learned how to dock watching how MJ is doing it. Granted, auto-pilot is not efficient when it comes to monopropellant usage, but at least it shows step-by-step what needs to be done.

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I haven't exactly discovered docking at the moment. This was meant to be nothing more than a quick fly by mission, seeing if I could launch both rockets and have them pass relatively close to one another.

Quick Update, by the way. I ended up with three flights, none of which got close to each other. The first flight, the one that ran out of fuel in my previous update (the KSS Please Don't Hit Me) didn't have a stable orbit that quickly deteriorated once I got the other space craft into space, on it's second try. Making sure that the KSS Not In the Face's orbit was stable, I quickly switched to my other manned flight and made sure it was brought down safely. Since the NIF was still in orbit, I thought I would just send up another rocket, however the same thing happened (the rocket running out of fuel and only getting one or two orbits in before falling back to Kerbin). I wonder why I'm running out of fuel so quickly on some, but not on others (though the NIF was really low on fuel once I got it up there, still enough for a burn to get it out of orbit though).

Pictures with little comments:


The KSS Not in the Face takes off on it's first attempt to rendezvous with the KSS Please Don't Hit Me. I like seeing if the rocket boosters slam into each other once they are jettisoned and blown away by the start of the next stage. These two I managed to bang together but, surprisingly, they didn't explode. Huh...


Adjusting the NIF's orbit while checking on the other aircraft (I think I need better name's for my ships).


I'll get to you eventually Mun! Just you wait and see! *shakes fist*


The launching of a third satellite that went a little worse than even the other two did (the two in orbit around the sun).

Edited by ClearlySane88
Fixing link for Images and adding comments to them.
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