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Mun Base ideas...

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Hey all,

I've decided that I want to build a base on the Mun, but I haven't got a clue where to start!

Anybody got any suggestions/ideas so far as modules/layout is concerned?

I had the H.O.M.E. add on but it was causing trouble so I ditched it!

Also if anybody has any pics to give me a bit of inspiration it's much appreciated!


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As far as I've known, it is do-able; to create a base without mods. I am in the process of doing it but I'm just getting the stuff there after a new start due to stuff. The ways I've known without mods are either vertical or horizontal. I'll let someone else do vertical as my somewhat expertise lie with horizontal. When you are making a base, Plan. You will help yourself understand purpose as well as construction of a base. How you create it is in two ways. Modular is most common- lots of compartments docked together with a crane; they are do-able too but require planning. Modular is the one I took but the other way of doing it is less pleasing as well as less challenging- landing a bunch of ships next to each other. This normally happens in vertical but I'll leave it like that. After planning the way you will lay out your base for maximum benefits, find a site. Its requirements- I suggest its flat, near interesting terrain and is in view of Kerbin for communications (up to you :P) I would suggest you launch multiple probes around an area of interest and move them around in a manner of your choice until you find a good spot. Unless you want to, don't make the position of the base far off the equator as much fuel is needed to get there and there are only certain times in a orbit which you can get to the base. Once you have a base location, probe further, using the nav-ball to make sure its reasonably flat for the base to sit on. Finally, I'd do a manned mission to investigate, publicize ( :P ) and confirm the landing spot. Then begin construction. If I was you, for both me, you and others, create a thread somewhere (not here, maybe missions) link it here and post on it so we can help you with any problems (I'm making reference to both the lurkers and those who are interested (Thinking about it, why don't you make a " Mun Base" thread for everyone?) Hope this helps (and isn't an eyesore)

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Well, I can show you my only try of modular base as a vague inspiration, because I can tell you, docking parts was a pain... xD

One dockable module landing with detachable engines:


You land the core of the base or a bunch of modules on their legs, retract legs and try to dock them and once docked, extend legs again. Pray multiple times during the process for it to work xD

Two views of a base ship core with two modules docked:



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I'm liking the modular design, I made up a sort-of crane before with winches and what-not.

But I like the idea of each module having it's own wheels and legs, so it's kind of like a rover and able to be separated from the base and driven around...

might look into this more tomorrow!

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I built a very modular base on minmus once, several updates ago, but only recently decided to try one on the Mun.

My basic idea came from there being so many biomes up there and trying to get science from them all.

I decided to plant some kethane extracting module on a deposit near the equator, and have a ship make a series of sub orbital flights from there to as many biomes as possible to collect all the science and carry it back to the base. After gathering it all up, a return ship can carry it all back.

It has occured to me yes, that any ship capable of two suborbital flights on the mun without refuelling is perfectly capable of getting back to kerbin by itself :)

maybe I`ll just make it a modular ship that separates after landing into a habitat and extractor, and the science transport

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What you need are mods, many many mods to make your base the most awesome thing ever. What's better than having your own off-world mission control, fuel mining base, or even a science research base? Nothing is more boring than playing stock base pretend time with a few hitchhiker cans docked together and a long girder with antennas serving as your "comm tower".

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Here are some pictures of the base I made on Minmus a while back. I used Kethane to give it purpose, and couldn't have built it without KAS. The observation module is on the servo from Damned Robotics so they can get a 360 degree view. My crane was too small to attach the observation tower so I had to land it onto its docking port. The whole thing including the crane, kethane drill, and fuel storage tank, took 13 launches to build.

<img src="http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/884108337075577622/1CC7EEC69A5E6FA3D4A364404A52189C10B89C67/" alt="" width="1024" height="576" />

<img src="http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/884108337075579999/9A3F9FAAF87733C04627E634B49B2CB0156FB64A/" alt="" width="1024" height="576" />

<img src="http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/884108337114472692/62EC4498E449C7BAB82F23D7F2904B599A3E2C09/" alt="" width="1024" height="576" />

Edited by Sethnizzle
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It seems that I do not have the crane and I am suddenly seeing how useful it is and it makes me sad.... But I will be building mine more horizontally with mostly just wheels and other things. I will say this tho, those bases are starting to look very well done, very organized, everything placed very well, you guys are really amazing or just really patient lol. I can be patient too, just love to get things done quickly xD. Oh well. Also, docking doesn't seem to be too much of a problem for me o.o, I just get in close enough, aligned just right with the breaks off on one of them and suddenly, its like MAGIC!!...Ahem...I mean magnets, the parked vehicle/module's docking port just pulls the unparked one and walla, docked like a charm.

I have not done space docking yet and I plan on building a space station around Kerbin soon. This. Will. Get. Interesting. I swear if I fail, and sh...um...stuff gets destroyed, I'll just let it happen and record it. :P. or Screenshot it.

Edited by BlazeKerba
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One of my favorite bases I ever set up on the Mun was the one I delivered via skycrane.


It's simple yet effective, houses up to 10 Kerbals, and gives you some very nice views of the Mun from the two cupola modules.


I made a variant of it for my recent Duna mission as well, I like it so much.

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This is what I have going right now. Basically, I did a Mun or Bust like at the very beginning of Career Mode, which meant absolute no return of Jebediah (aka Alan Kerman) and ever since then, he's been on that Mun for many days. But I've been doing tons of research and finally built the Rover Mk I.I (towing the Command Module for the start of the Kerbal Munar Command) and then I made the Command Module, finally I decided to make a smaller rover, the Experimental Rover Mk II.IIa (it has a special attachment, decouple-able, that allows it to dock with the Command Module. Once the attachment is decoupled, it won't be able to dock with the Command Module. Working a way around that for the next set of attachments to the Command Module.)

Basically as what Rhyunix said, Plan! It really helps in a long run, so does taking your time in building the things you need. And if you go my route, towing the things like I am, load either the Tow Rover if you wish to call Rover Mk I.I that, don't mind, move it off the Launch Pad, then put on the Brakes, go back to Space Center that doesn't involve going back in time and your Rover not being OUT THERE, then load the Module you plan on putting on the Moon. Practice, design, planning, and testing, all needed for a Munar Base. I had to do extensive testing and experimenting with the Experimental Rover, in order to be able to get it to dock with the Command Module like that. And same with the Rover Mk I.I. The unmodified version was TOO LOW and was incapable of towing the Command Module. So I adjusted the Axle (whatever :P) and the wheels just enough and walla. Docks like a charm.

Oh, um, I haven't found a place for it. Sure flat surfaces and Equator is best, but I've figured out how to maneuver to get to where I want to be, whether its on the Equator, to the north or south, don't matter. Just be sure you have enough fuel to do it. And, look for a Rover Tutorial Youtube video or find KSP Keybindings if you haven't already, they help you a LOT in how to place certain things in a special way!! AND, Lights are important when it gets very very dark.... You're not afraid of the dark...are you? ....... BOOO!! Just kidding. One last thing, when you are bringing something in for landing on the Mun, ALWAYS QUICK SAVE!!! (F2. Hold F9 to load quicksave if you do not know this already) because believe me. Nothing is worse than the feeling of having to start all over from the launch pad. I've had to a number of times until I realized there was a Quicksave feature (god did I feel dumb when I realized this lol!!) and it has saved me LOADS of time. Quick save is your VERY best friend. But can also be your enemy if you accidentally load a OLD quick save after putting up a couple satellites. (Like I put up a ISA Map satellite around the Mun...accidentally loaded an old quick save, even though I save practically EVERY VESSEL I make, it just meant that I had to redeploy the satellite cuz it wasn't there :/ it sucked.)

Edited by BlazeKerba
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Well...I almost made it to the spot where I want to set up the base. Um...its in a crater and going down hill was intense, I had to apply the brakes, set the autopilot to like -200 and REVERSE just to slow it down!! then once it began to flatten out, I reset the autopilot and kept going.

You wouldn't believe how many times this darn thing has gotten some AIR/SPACE time xD. And um...once, I managed to get it on all LEFT wheels only!!!! O: You know how they call it a two wheelie? Try six wheelie.... o.o and I recovered!!! I was like, HOLY CRAP DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!!

Now, I then approached another down hill that I didn't expect. I should of quick saved earlier (I did at the edge of the large crater) and going down this hill...I wasn't prepared and the rear started to slide to the right, and then started to pick up speed and then rolled.... *cries* I have to start over at the edge of the crater but its late so I'll do it tomorrow lol.

Edited by BlazeKerba
Sorry, Crater not Canyon.
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Can you build the whole shebang in Munar orbit and land it, carefully?

Build it all in orbit and land it, carefully??? Well...you would need it to be very stable and rigid, definitely not wobbly (just looked at another topic and they suggested this for launching space stations or large rockets, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement )

This way you MAY be able to land it carefully, but I would suggest connecting the parts on the Mun itself, makes it a lot easier, and less risk of multi-explosion-crash-of-doooooooom :P

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Which is this, Kerbal Attachment System the one that we see being used in one of the screenshots (think he edited his screenshots and now they are not showing; guy on first page) and I'm thinking of doing that myself. First I have to get the Command Module SAFELY to the spot in the crater...thinking of undocking the 3 and moving them there one by one but that will take soooo much time.

I just finished a recording, and working on saving it now, so you will all hear how stupid I sound haha, i'm just being shy.......... And i will be making another recording at how i made all these things work, especially with the ladders!! Which is why EXPERIMENTING on the launch platform and such is HIGHLY important, otherwise if I hadn't...let say climbing back into the cab of the Rover and such would be very very difficult lol.

Edited by BlazeKerba
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I will definitely have to try that. Right now I am trying to add a specific ship to the Career mode, because it'll take me a while to add the KAS to the career mode, considering all the parts it has. But ship has less and apparently it can get to the Mun pretty easy and I'm thinking of ways to help refuel it and also use it to carry certain parts for the Munar Base, hoping it be easier :P.

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Here is my first test for a munar base.


I didn't use any dowking port, but i use a lot of mods to connect modules. In the back, there is an ore driller (extraplanetary launchpad), at the front you can see a biofuel greenhouse used to make liquid fuel/oxidizer, and on the left, my munar crane (i am really proud about it^^). You don't see it on the screenshot, but there is a launchpad too.

I landed all modules less than 1km from each other (i don't use any kind of autopilot like MechJeb, so this is the tricky part, especially at the place i have chosen, because it's not really flat ^^). Then the crane move modules so i can link them using pipes (KAS mod).

When i wanted to built this base, pipes were too short to connect the greenhouse and the driller, but i had an idea. I used the part decoupled before on the greenhouse (i built it with a mechanical decoupler to seperate motor+landing gears and greenhouse, because i had to lay down the greenhouse on a side), then i mounted 2 pipe connectors on it, and i could link both modules to this part. I first planned to recyle it for metal, but finally it's useful :)

The base is not complete, i plan to bring an ore refiner, a rocket parts factory and stuff dor kethane drilling. This place is not perfect because of topography, but i am landed on both ore and kethane, so i can build a lot of rocket parts here.

mods used : KAS, infernal robotics, Kerbal engineering redux, biofuels, extraplanetary launchpads, kethane pack, KW rocketry and novapunch 2, protractor, kerbal alarm clock.

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