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[0.23.0] Internet Relay Chat 0.6.3


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Well, the IRC site uses it. When an user joins/parts but no new messages arrive, the tab glows green.

Every client does it differently.

Also, the next update should allow you to select users from the user list and start a private chat with them.

It's on my to-do list :)

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Hmm, I'd rather make it so that users joining/parting will be ignored, if everyone is okay with that. Personally I don't have any use for a new color signaling "user joins/parts, but no new messages yet."

An option for it would be great

Also I don't know if you're going to fix it already, but the resize image for the cursor doesn't display properly.

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OK....i'm having issues getting this to work with Twitch. Maybe I am doing it wrong...well pretty sure I'm doing it wrong. Here is what I am trying to do and how it is setup.

-I am broadcasting my game on Twitch with the username..lets say MrKerbal (I have not launched the game yet)

-I launch the site http://twitchapps.com/tmi/ to generate a chat password

-My KSPIRC file is then edited as below to include the password

// Configure IRC server settings in this file.


// NOTE: This is just a first version of the plugin. Later versions will feature

// some sort of settings dialog rather than editing a config file.

// uncomment and configure the following lines

host = irc.twitch.tv

port = 6667

nick = MrKerbal


// the following can be useful when using a bouncer

// (optional, not needed for regular IRC server connections)

//user = <server user account name>

//serverPassword = <server user account password>

// uncomment the following line to see client-server communication in the debugging channel

debug = true

// you may delete the following line if you configured the above correctly

// dummy=dummy

I then launch my game. If I look in the log of the IRC app I see that I have authenticated to twitch. I then join my channel #MrKerbal. It says I have joined the channel but I see no info as to the mode I have joined in the log. I assume I just created a new channel and didn't actually join my streaming Twitch channel. Typing in either Twitch chat on the web nor in the IRC app yield any communication at all. I assume I am just going about this all wrong. Any help fellow Kerbians?



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OK....i'm having issues getting this to work with Twitch. Maybe I am doing it wrong...well pretty sure I'm doing it wrong. Here is what I am trying to do and how it is setup.

-I am broadcasting my game on Twitch with the username..lets say MrKerbal (I have not launched the game yet)

-I launch the site http://twitchapps.com/tmi/ to generate a chat password

-My KSPIRC file is then edited as below to include the password

// Configure IRC server settings in this file.


// NOTE: This is just a first version of the plugin. Later versions will feature

// some sort of settings dialog rather than editing a config file.

// uncomment and configure the following lines

host = irc.twitch.tv

port = 6667

nick = MrKerbal


// the following can be useful when using a bouncer

// (optional, not needed for regular IRC server connections)

//user = <server user account name>

//serverPassword = <server user account password>

// uncomment the following line to see client-server communication in the debugging channel

debug = true

// you may delete the following line if you configured the above correctly

// dummy=dummy

I then launch my game. If I look in the log of the IRC app I see that I have authenticated to twitch. I then join my channel #MrKerbal. It says I have joined the channel but I see no info as to the mode I have joined in the log. I assume I just created a new channel and didn't actually join my streaming Twitch channel. Typing in either Twitch chat on the web nor in the IRC app yield any communication at all. I assume I am just going about this all wrong. Any help fellow Kerbians?



Channel name should be all lower case, twitch IRC does not play nicely when you include capital letters

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Channel name should be all lower case, twitch IRC does not play nicely when you include capital letters

I tried this as I had the same problem as Calabus, but it did not fix my issue.

The .cfg is:

// Configure IRC server settings in this file.


// NOTE: This is just a first version of the plugin. Later versions will feature

// some sort of settings dialog rather than editing a config file.

// uncomment and configure the following lines

host = irc.twitch.tv

port = 6667

nick = playful1510

serverPassword = oauth:[real oauth here]

// the following can be useful when using a bouncer

// (optional, not needed for regular IRC server connections)

//user =

// uncomment the following line to see client-server communication in the debugging channel

debug = true

// you may delete the following line if you configured the above correctly


Edited by Playful1510
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Hey, blizzy. Thanks for the plugin.

I haven't read the whole thread, so I don't know if it's been mentioned, but if you hide and then re-show the user list the window size gets larger horizontally. I'm not that great with C# yet, but I think it's just the way the Unity window works. I found a workaround for it by adding rect.width = screen.width / 2; in the if-block for the show-hide button in IRCWindow::drawChannelButtons(). The window still gets wider if you show the user list, but when you hide the list it gets smaller, so you can't toggle it a few times and end up with a window that's wider than the screen anymore.

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