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What if Kerbin had borders?


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It came into my head one day: [insert title here]. Really? I determined the borders by mountain ranges, rivers and lakes. I'm still thinking of the names, and if you have a good one, pop it in the comments below (please include nr. of the country as well as the name)! Please note that the ice caps are only used for !!!SCIENCE!!! just like Antarctica on Earth.


- Max

Edited by Maxilica
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1 - Squad

2 - Maxinimal

3 - Democratic-ish Republic of Prisonia (DROP)

4 - Kennsylvania

5 - Idunno

6 - Problematic Kingdom of Rynlup [rin;l(u in 'up)p]

7 - Kerbalistic Komunist Kountry (KKK)

8 - Kimland Equatoriale

9 - Argen

10 - Blender

11 - Kazbekjkl [Kaz-bek-jay-kel]

12 - Saltinya

13 - Mourhinio

14 - Exam [Ecsam]

15 - Paisanok (Overseas Territory of KKK)

16 - United Kingdom of Great Liquor and Lower Traffgor (UKOGLALT)

17 - People's Republic of Khristyan

18 - Poyelsk

19 - Original Iolsk - These two countries are simmilar to Sudan and South Sudan of Earth

20 - Lower Iolsk - ^^^

21 - Gerbamic Tribes of Hermannnstadter

22 - Southern Kimland (Puppet state of Kimland Equatoriale)

23 - Starship Liberty

24 - Ekuagore

25 - Scvad (Latin break-away country from Squad)

26 - Kantemporary Icel'nd

27 - Touch(-ing the Border)

28 - Northern Dimension

29 - Five-upon-Ocean

30 - Islandejya

31 - Krebz

Edited by Maxilica
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