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A one way mission


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The bird were just starting to wake up when the roaring of engines scared them all of. I will be telling you something about my Manned Eve/Gilly mission.

Ready for takeoff, the ascent stage is a solid piece of rockets and the total weight of the rocket now is somewhere over 600 tons


a lot off time has passed since i last took a screenshot (mainly cuz i'm using mechjeb and I walk away during long burns) but here's an in flight one anyway


Some more time passed by and it was time for the crew to burn into orbit around Gilly ( I had already aerobraked around Eve before, but once more no pics.)


Some nice propaganda pics to send back to Kerbin, Keldin heads off to plant a flag on a hilltop. This flag is the third one one Gilly wich makes Gilly my most visited object outside of Kerbins SOI




After some more burning and S*** the three brave kerbonauts were finally descending to the surface of Eve, there permanent location, atleast untill I descide wether to get them back or not.


Touchdown, some more propaganda for back home! Lufred names there landing site Lufred Hill and places a flag to commemorate the event.


Sigcan and Keldin take the rover for a spin, later to find out that its suspension seems to be made of sticks (the really dry ones that snap when you look at them)


Both Kerbals survive (although a lot of quicksaves were used) and made it to the shore just around 5km away from there landing site. Sigcan gets off first, plants a flag and calls the place Sigcan bay.


Keldin descides to take a swim, becomming the first kerbal ever to swim on another planet!


Keldin is somewhat upset though because he doesn't have a place called after him yet, so they drive on to the next bay and Keldin names it ... Keldin Bay! At the same time Sigcan aswell descides to take a swimm in Eve's waters (no pics of that though)


A last shot, the kerbals will proceed with there rescearch and will likely find a lot more things, maybe they will even get some supplies on day!


Do i have to keep you guys up to date on this mission or not? Did you like it? please give your comments and be fair and square!

Edited by panzerknoef
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Just in case somebody cares i've made a map of the region, i gave the oceans, lakes and seas some latin names, feel free to translate them cuz i gave them some semi-random names



Edit: i do appologize for my spelling error: the map is supposed to say lufred hill not ludfred hill

Edited by panzerknoef
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