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I just had another KSP dream... A very silly one.

Commissioner Tadpole

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This is my second KSP dream so far, and it's more fleshed out than the first, but still makes as much sense. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.

Basically, on it I am playing KSP version 0.24.1, where Kerbin's landscape was completely reworked. Basically, there were cities everywhere. On the dream, I was driving a spaceplane that seemed to look like a BirdDog from Brotoro's Long-term Laythe Mission across Kerbin's cities, containing Bill and Jebediah(even though the pod can only host one Kerbal). However, when I pressed M, I noticed that Kerbin, alongside Mün and Minmus were now orbiting a large purple Gas Giant.

What's odd is that, in the Map screen, Kerbin was dangerously close to the Gas Giant's surface(in fact, it almost looked like a spacecraft could aerobrake in it at that height), yet in-game the unnamed Gas Giant looks even slightly further than how Jool is seen from Pol. Something odder is that the Gas Giant orbited the Sun faster than Kerbin did, which meant that it would overtake Kerbin, and after some time catch up with Kerbin again, possibly 'devouring' the planet in the process. Another incoherent thing is that, on the Map screen, it has no rings, where while I am controlling the BirdDog, white rings can be seen.

After that, the dream got slightly less 'gamey' and slightly more livid, as I was seemingly in Jeb's point of view instead of just controlling the BirdDog. Me and Bill then flew the BirdDog towards Kerbal Space Center and went into a lab-like building(where it was suddently nighttime), where Wernher von Kerman was awaiting. Us three then began developing a large laser seemingly capable of destroying the Gas Giant.

Cut to several Kerbin days after, the Gas Giant had re-rendezvoused with Kerbin and was going to collide with it. Several Kerbals were panicking in the several cities from 0.24, while me and the rest of the KSC team were in the Kerbal Space Center(that now was oddly sitting on top of a mountain overlooking the cities instead of being in the flat that it used to be on). Wernher fired the laser pointing at the Gas Giant. We all watched in awe as the large orange beam made it's way towards the massive purple ball of gas looming above Kerbin, and as soon as it hit, the planet vanished in a puff of smoke. All Kerbals began to celebrate the fact that Kerbin gets to live once more, and the dream seemingly ended.

I have to admit, it considerably made more sense than my previous dream, which only included Minmus breaking apart revealing a massive battleship that proceeded to destroy Kerbin. The concept of a Gas Giant destroying Kerbin is silly, but also a bit interesting. What would YOU do if you found yourself in that situation?

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Upon fidgeting around and being restless last night, I spent a few hours doing research on different exoplanets (always calms me down and gets me ready for sleep!)

but I was struck by 2 planets in particular... HIP 91258 b, and KIC 8435766 b... both were discovered right at the end of October.

HIP is a gas giant, roughly the size of Jupiter, and whipping around it's host star at a distance of only .057AU, completing 1 orbit in only 5 days!

KIC is in a similar boat, except it is even crazier! Orbiting it's star at a distance of only .0092AU, and completing an orbit in a blazing 8.52 HOURS, it has a little less than twice the mass of the earth! It is thought to be comprised of mostly rock and iron, and has an estimated dayside temperature of 2900*C!

Well... my dream last night put me into a system with those 2 planets, in a KSP-like environment. I was an astronaut, as well as an engineer on a small space program based off of a tidally locked moon of the gas giant. Only half the moon was inhabitable, due to the vicinity to the host star, so an entire civilization had thrived on it's "back" side. The other side was a charred wasteland.

The space program was trying to send missions to the tiny rocky planet that was whizzing around the star, because there had been some incredibly valuable resource discovered there or something.

well anyway, there was a lot of crashing, burning up in the sun due to random gravitational assists from the void, and lots of KSP-ness...

it was all very interesting looking back on it, but boy was it a stressful dream.

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Upon fidgeting around and being restless last night, I spent a few hours doing research on different exoplanets (always calms me down and gets me ready for sleep!)

but I was struck by 2 planets in particular... HIP 91258 b, and KIC 8435766 b... both were discovered right at the end of October.

HIP is a gas giant, roughly the size of Jupiter, and whipping around it's host star at a distance of only .057AU, completing 1 orbit in only 5 days!

KIC is in a similar boat, except it is even crazier! Orbiting it's star at a distance of only .0092AU, and completing an orbit in a blazing 8.52 HOURS, it has a little less than twice the mass of the earth! It is thought to be comprised of mostly rock and iron, and has an estimated dayside temperature of 2900*C!

Well... my dream last night put me into a system with those 2 planets, in a KSP-like environment. I was an astronaut, as well as an engineer on a small space program based off of a tidally locked moon of the gas giant. Only half the moon was inhabitable, due to the vicinity to the host star, so an entire civilization had thrived on it's "back" side. The other side was a charred wasteland.

The space program was trying to send missions to the tiny rocky planet that was whizzing around the star, because there had been some incredibly valuable resource discovered there or something.

well anyway, there was a lot of crashing, burning up in the sun due to random gravitational assists from the void, and lots of KSP-ness...

it was all very interesting looking back on it, but boy was it a stressful dream.

Sounds like a quite interesting dream! Interesting how real world things can affect the dream world.

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The only proper thing to do during a dream is to read some text, look away, and then read the same text again. When you notice the change, the brain realizes that you're dreaming, and you'll be in complete control of the dream. The key to that is to develop a habit to read text, for instance a storefront sign, and then read it again while you're awake. The habit will spread to the dream. The end result is a sort of middle step between imagining things, dreaming, and daydreaming. You can fly around on the backs of dinosaurs and other silly nonsense. It's also an effective way to avoid nightmares, which is why I started doing it.

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I'm jealous! That sounds like an awesome dream! :D

The fact that it took place in 0.24 is awesome, and the whole "gas planet destroying Kerbin thing" was even cooler!

I have no idea why I'm so excited about this, maybe because it sounds like it would be an awesome move. :)

Edited by Thomas988
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I do recall, that I did have a KSP dream-no, it was a nightmare.

So, basically, I was the Administrator of the KSP Space Agency. I have this office in the Mission Control Center and have his really neat and accurate model of my Munshot rocket sitting on my desk. So, I'm at this presentation by some Kerbal who I suppose is in charge of the budgets, and he shows that my agencies next annual budget is on a downward track (And have you ever heard Kerbal groan? It sounds so human), and we won't have enough funds to do our Vall driller probe thingy. Oh, and we'll be having to cut our next proposed Duna orbiter mission. And our next proposed space telescope. But hey, we still have manned spaceflight capability to our spacestation, right?

Wrong. Apparently, we'll have to abandon our plans for a Munar base and an extra module to our station. Some Kerbal in the back is apparently enraged by this, and storms out of the room. I follow.

I then leave the room, and this Kerbal walks up to me and offers me a contract. I'm wondering "Huh?", and he says he wants to send a Kerbal on a Duna flyby mission soon. I say yes, and then talk with Wehner (My deputy) and some other people. They say (rather sadly) that I won't have money.

And then I suddenly realize the budget cut had destroyed our efforts for beyond Kerbin orbit exploration and will likely delay our Mars ship lander mission.

I wake up, and look at NASA news. Inspiration Mars just got its funding denied by NASA.


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The only proper thing to do during a dream is to read some text, look away, and then read the same text again. When you notice the change, the brain realizes that you're dreaming, and you'll be in complete control of the dream. The key to that is to develop a habit to read text, for instance a storefront sign, and then read it again while you're awake. The habit will spread to the dream. The end result is a sort of middle step between imagining things, dreaming, and daydreaming. You can fly around on the backs of dinosaurs and other silly nonsense. It's also an effective way to avoid nightmares, which is why I started doing it.

The sad thing is, if I ever get the hang of lucid dreaming I'll probably just play ksp, but a bit in the future, after some features that can not be named are added.

Edit: For the sake of being on topic, do you think that kerbin would break up and become the gas giants ring?

Edited by 1D-1()T
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Edit: For the sake of being on topic, do you think that kerbin would break up and become the gas giants ring?

I imagine it'd just break apart and ram into the gas giant at some interplanetary velocity, like what very likely was common in the early solar system with Jupiter and Saturn. Depends on the specifics of the situation.

And checking the time twice quickly is good for lucid dreaming also

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