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Project OCAIAFNAR Launches The Spear of Mars


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After literally hours of testing, many many hours mind you, Project OCAIAFNAR(Overly complicated and Incredibly Ambitions for no apparent reason) has finally Launched The Spear Of Mars to Duna.

Leaving on a Javelin 9 heavy lifter TSM is fully 105 tons of pure Kerbal know how to LKO.

Equipped with the very second best in technology to explore the Duna system and investigate both polar ice caps as well.

The Javelin 9 heavy is the latest in the Javelin series that started with the 60 ton to LKO rated Javelin 5. As Project OCAIAFNAR progressed it became apparent that the Javelin 5 would not be sufficient to the task and development on the Javelin 9 began. After adding more and more snacks scientific equipment to TSM even the standard Javelin 9 was not large enough. Though we did save one for emergencies.

The Javelin 9 heavy was born at over 800 tons it is the largest lifter ever designed. Pure serially staged with no fuel lines it is simply a matter of pushing the throttles to the firewall and letting her go. Gravity turn starts early at 2,500 meters and no need to worry about throttling back. The core center engine stack burns out first to keep Max Q to a minimum and prevent terminal velocity fuel waste.

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I will be adding more descriptions and images as the mission progresses. Right now The Spear of mars is nearly to Duna.

My back up rescue probe Explortar is already at Duna setting up comms. Launched on the backup Javeling 9 standard Explortar was the last fail safe for the TSM crew in the case of a failed ejection burn past the point of no return. It was designed with enough Delta V to attempt a rendezvous outside the Kerbin system. As TSM is good to go it is using that excessive Delta V to beat TSM to Duna by nearly a several days even though it launched 23 hours later.

Last test launch that KSP ate my crew when physics engaged.

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Edited by British_Rover
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