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Krakennistan: Full Voyage


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This is a thread to document the voyages of Krakennistan into space and beyond, whether it be by stories, reports, radio logs or blood.

Krakennistan. A nation forged with technology, religion and leadership. The leading country of Kerbin. Krakennistan's past is misunderstood and controversial. Some say they came from the great Desert as warlords and tribemen. Some say they migrated from the North Pole, bringing modern culture with them. But now, whether by fluke or rightful conquest, Krakennistan has come in charge of almost the entire mainland.

Krakennistan Religion

The Krakennistinians worship the Great Kraken (sometimes called The Green). They act aggressively towards those who question their beliefs. When a ship is attacked or taken by the Kraken, they take it as a sign from the Great Kraken and their "Sages", the Krzygy (translated to Future Knowers) gather and speculate on what it meant.

Krakennistan Territory (Kerbin)


Krakennistan owns almost the entire mainland, except for an area reclaimed by Boosteria.

The island in the bottom right belongs to Strutland, who migrated south from the desert. The island chain along the bottom middle-left belongs to Crashica. Pole Land owns the south pole.

Early Space Race

In the early days of the Kerbin Space Race, Krakennistan and Boosteria are fighting to get men into orbit and beyond.

ESR Records:

First ship: Levriner I

First astronaut: Jebediah

First rocket crew member to fly twice: ??

First SRB-Assisted launch: ??

Highest ascent: ??

First suborbital flight: ??

First astronaut to fly twice:


Levriner I (1 man, straight up/down) Download

Levriner I

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[td]Jeb sat back in his plush couch, flicking through newspapers. "KRAKENNISTAN HAS WORLD'S FIRST MANNED ROCKET LAUNCH", the headlines said. "JEBEDIAH KERMAN FIRST TO SEE HOME FROM THE STARS". Warm pride drifted through Jeb's belly.

Two strict but soft knocks sounded from his door. "Mister Kerman?" a heavily accented voice calls. Jeb sighed and lazily stood up. "By the Green. I'm too tired for this." he muttered to himself.

He pulled open the door. A tall, groomed kerbal stood outside. "Ah, Mister Kerman, it is an honour. I am Mister Kerman, that is, Eling Kerman. I am from the local newspaper, Minmus Times."

As the door slammed in his face, Eling blinked in surprise.[/td]


Recent breakthroughs in technology have made it possible for a manned mission to the sky, domain of the Great Kraken itself. Our new ship, the Levriner I, has broken altitude and technology records by ascending to over 77,000 metres. This amazing new discovery was the moment of truth ladies and gentlemen, we are now into the Space Age.

Scientists such as Bill-Bobly Kerman and Lenmy Kerman had earlier proclaimed this impossible, saying that no kerb-made item could ever escape the boundary of the earth. But now, on this great day, they have been proven wrong by our nation's great scientists.

Hail the Great Kraken![/td]




The Levriner I consists of:

An escape pod (1 man pod, parachute) and ascent stage (fuel tanks amounting to 225 fuel storage with newly developed LV-909 liquid fuelled engine).

At the base of the ascent stage are mounted 3 variable geometry winglets controlled by new onboard computer systems.[/td]


Ascent errors: The escape pod detached from the ascent stage too late.[/td]




Edited by Zuni
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