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Lem 1 & Lem 2 to Laythe


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Funny how I never went to Laythe with intent to make a precise landing on actual ground. I've just dumped something into the sea.

I've launched two probe landers, named Lem 1 and Lem 2 (named after Stanisław Lem). The first one had a purpose to reach any land, and the second one was going for any pole.

Lem 1 landed close to one island bay near the equator.



Lem 2 was built in a more professional fashion, but lacked the Goo and science bay. It had a heat shield and fairing, drogue parachute which was jetissoned right before three main parachutes were deployed. All stock, of course.


It was quite fun to do it.


Laythe is really beautiful with Jool in its sky, especially while you're falling in the polar region.

Anyway, Laythe's north pole doesn't seem to have large anomalies. Something is visible in the texture, but no hills or cliffs or holes.

Lem 1 still has fuel onboard and could move around, but not far away.

Lem 2 is dead, its solar panels broke, probably because I've put a drogue parachute decoupler on top of them.

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