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Tetrarch Space Shuttle User Manual.


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This is a User Manual for Tetrarch Space Shuttle located HERE.


The Orbiter

The Orbiter is designed to carry a small (<5 ton) payload to LKO (80k). and maneuver if needed to dock with a space station or other vehicle.


There are 3 main engines and 2 secondary engines. The three main LV-45s are rated at 200N. The other two engines are located below the main three and act as a balance for when there is no payload and an extra boost of power. These are non-vital and may be removed due to their lack of need. The rear also houses the 600L of RCS fuel needed for ascent, orbital maneuvers, and landing maneuvers. Also in the rear is the bulk of the wing area. In addition to a Vertical Fin, the TSSO (Tetrarch Space Shuttle Orbiter) has Elevons and Spoilervators. Elevons are aileron/elevators, which allow the craft to turn, climb, and descend. The Spoilervators are closer in, and are mostly to add or decrease lift on the Delta wing and, by doing so, incur drag not unlike a spoiler. Next to the main engines are the two Nuclear Generators which provide power to the ship.



The front has all the Computer systems, crew, and power storage. It also has a Pilot tube which can be extended with the action group "10" (Key 0 on the keyboard).


Cargo Bay

The cargo bay is small but able to carry most small kerbal satellites and small modules or interplanetary ships. There are 6-8 Struts which you will find unattached to anything in the Bay. These are for attaching to the payload so it does not move around in flight. Recommended load is 2-4 tons, although 5 is capable it cuts down on already minimal D/V. I recommend starting with a standard docking port for the palyoad in the VAB and then make it a sub-assembly, to easily put it in the bay for flight.


The Fuel Tank/Boosters

The top of the Fuel Tank houses some ASAS control gear to help steer the ship and keep it flying right. It also has RCS thrusters and 4 Sepratrons. The Side Boosters also have 4 Sepratrons and launch outward.


Farther down, the Fuel lines directly inject to the Oribter Engines. The Booster fuel feeds into the main tank so they run out first. The two FTSEs are toggled with the Action group "1."



The Tetrarch is a highly complex vehicle. This is how you fly it. If you follow these rules it will work great every time. Anything in these rules you need to follow in order.


Launch is prefered from the VAB pad, so when downloading the TSS put it there. It should be upright and ready to launch. To start up, turn on ASAS, RCS, and Throttle up. Make sure you are in the correct launch position for wherever you are going because the TSS has a relatively uniform and inflexible launch profile. When you are ready to launch, Spacebar to activate all the engines. Quickly make sure all the engines are running before you hit Space again to set the TSS on it's way. This should not take more than a second, as it wastes precious fuel. Keep the ship pointed straight up, with all engines firing at 100% throttle.



Ascent and Booster Seperation

At 500m rotate the craft so that the orbiter is on the East side of the ship. This is so that when you make your gravity turn the Orbiter ends up on the underside of the craft. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Leave ASAS on, spin the craft 180 degrees to the correct position, so that the 90 degree mark on the navball is above the little airplane symbol. Then straighten the ship out so it is still going straight up.

At about T+ 20 or 30 seconds the Boosters will start to run out of fuel. Wait for it, then as soon as they die BUT NOT BEFORE, Spacebar to stage and they should go flying off.



Gravity Turn

Probably the hardest part of the flight. One needs skill to do this right. At about 10KM turn RCS on and start a gravity turn. Only touch over a small amount, the ship should tip over, then try to correct itself. The next part is hard. Try to steer the ship into a soft gravity turn, but don't let it get under 45 degrees up. The ship will be very tippy so if it starts tipping too much turn the FTSEs off with Action group "1" then back on when it corrects. Within about 10 seconds of this turn, or at about 14,000 feet the FTSEs will be too powerful; switch them off (Ag "1" again) and try to settle the ship in a 45-50 degree ascent. The ship should be running on the Skipper and 5 Orbiter engines. Continue with your gravity turn as you see fit. Use your own discretion. Then, as the fuel begins to drain to about 10-20% it will feel like the Skipper is too powerful and the ship is pushing too far over. Watch your controls in the lower left corner and if the ASAS gets too far over in the pitch, quickly flip the FTSEs back on and turn off the skipper. You must do these at the same time or the ship will be imbalanced and spiral over. Right click on the skipper and hit "shutdown engine" just as you press action group "1" to turn the two radials on. Continue the Gravity turn.


Fuel Tank Seperation

Watch the main fuel tank's lower tank until it is about to run out of fuel (about 5L total). Then turn the throttle off, and hit spacebar. If you leave the engines on it will (probably) hit the Orbiter and knock off the two lower Main Orbiter engines.

For me this is the most satisfying part of the mission. enjoy the view, but not too long or you will miss your orbital burn! Power up the engines right after successful separation.




Orbital Burns

From here it's easy. Burn at about 30 degrees inclination or however you like untill your apsis is about 75KM. Then warp to the apsisand complete the orbital burn. You should be in about a 73 by 75KM orbit. It is easy to increase or decrease the orbit from here, but watch your oxidizer!


Then have fun undocking and playing with your payload or enjoy the view!




To land at KSC, start your reverse burn above the deserts and make the end a few KM East of KSC. This way if you overshoot you can turn back around. If you undershoot you can land on the continent.

Burn up all your fuel and make sure the payload is gone; the ship is tail heavy with any fuel in it. Standard re-entry is to keep the nose at prograde and ASAS on. RCS is optional but if you have enough you can use it to make sure the ship stays on target. Flames will come out at about 27-15KM up.


Atmospheric Flight

The big bird is pretty maneuverable, but she is draggy so watch your descent rate and speed.


Landing and Rollout

Final approach should be done about 5km away, make sure you are lined up. She drags a lot so don't worry if you come in hot, she can take it. Landing speed is normally 35-45 m/s and the KSC runway is plenty long. Land with brakes off. As soon as the back wheels hit reset SAS (F key) and tap the brakes. Don't let the nose hit too hard, it may break off because the flight computers are heavy. Come to a full stop, your kerbals will be safe and sound again on solid ground!


That's it for this amazing craft! Now go have fun flying!


Edited by zekes
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