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On-going mission: Mun Base

Biker Joe

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So I sent another tri-module to the Mun...

The landing wasn't as successful as the other one


But I got it righted and collected by the muncrane, next task, docking it to the base!


Successfully done, this is my setlement on the mun as of now, tunnel section are on their way!


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Well I had to change up the design of the tunnel section a bit to make them work but got there in the end!

It's starting to build up nicely!


It's on a pretty big deposit of Kethane so my next plan is to build and send up a mobile drilling rig, a refinery and storage tanks!

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After the success I had the last day I was in a good mood and thinking of al the things I could do/build/send to the mun!

I decided to build a mobile Kethane mining machine...



The plan is to have 3/4 of these (if not more) on the mun and a central refinery located at the mun base with "trucks" bringing the kethane to the refinery and more "trucks" to carry the refined fuel to silos...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally after many problems I got built a Kethane Refinery and sent it to the Mun, here is is i action!


Works perfectly, I'm gonna build another one just for monopropellant and Xenon Gas so I'll have all the bases covered, next step is to build a silo to store the fuel once its converted to store it for use later on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So with the Kethane mining issue (problems) resolved I turned my attention back to building up the base and sent a tunnel section to the mun, landed it successfully only to figure out that with the new mun crane the clearances don't work out too good and I can't lift it into place!:mad:

Hour and a half of my life wasted!


Tomorrows plan: edit the tunnel section and send it to the mun to make sure it works!

Edited by Biker Joe
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With my kethane refinery now full I decided I should build a fuel truck as I said earlier, but first I need a place to put the fuel once refined!

so I made a fuel tank to transport to the Mun, not a great landing but I got it sorted!


It's not in position ready to be used!


I must say the base is coming along nicely now!

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