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Private Agencies: The Kerbin Launch Alliance [PIC HEAVY]


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Welcome to the Kerbin Launch Alliance!

Currently the only 2 companies independently capable of reaching space are the KW launch corporation, and the AIES space exploration service.

Assisting both of these companies are the avionics manufacturer MuMech Inc. and AGNK aerospace, providing SRBS to both companies when needed.

As well as these companies, providing payload construction services for companies is a subsidary of the AIES Space Exploration Service, AIES Astrium.

Profile: KW Launch Corporation

Naming System:

Rockets are named after birds of prey, such as Eagle and Falcon, as well as mythical birds like Phoenix.

Payloads are named by the customer.

Starting Launch Vehicle:

KW Phoenix-1; A small but versatile light launch vehicle. Modularity allows for a flexible range of payloads to LKO, GTO or GEO. Cn be equiped with KW developed SRBs, AGNK SRBs or additional booster Cores. Utilises the Falcon upper stage.

Sub-Assembly; Falcon Upper Stage. A small but highly capable upper stage, utilised on the Phoenix vehicle family. provides MuMech Avionics and a payload mounting point

The Vehicle Itself:


For now (29/11/13) KW is ahead, creating a vehicle first.

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