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Hello Kerbin!


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Hello fellow Kerbinauts!

Introducing myself, I\'ve played many games and simulators, including Orbiter. I found KSP last week and got hooked, this game is fresh with innovation and never gets old even with the current content.

What I specially like about KSP:

-Original terrain throughout the entire planet and moons, with detailed textures on the ground as you land: great touch of realism

-Challenge of building a rocket to achieve your goal: Nothing like the satisfaction of going through 7 versions of a rocket to finally land successfully on Mun

I have landed multiple times on Mun successfully (and unsuccessfully), but here is my first landing where I got Kerbin in my view for a great shot:


One of my rover missions, with kearth in the background! To the right, the descent stage at the landing site.


My topic for the Mun Rover (with craft file soon): http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5896.0

I\'ll be following and supporting the development of KSP closely, keep up the good work guys!

May your Kerbals survive.. mostly.

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