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Do you have your own company and flag?


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I designed my own Company in the world of KSP called A.K.A.U (A Kerbal Among Us) Flight And Command Division

Its really just a fancy company for when I take parts and retexture them to be stealth black and edit the CFGs.

I have my own flag I designed:



Really, I just edit stock parts/mod parts for my own use. Stuff usually ends up looking somewhat like this.




Pretty good boat, huh?

Do you have one for your company/space center?

Also, if you have any kind of back-story to your company, post it!

Edited by Chief5697
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Lol. My flag is supposed to look high-tech and cool. Of course, that's exactly how it also is for my scientists and engineers. I also have an assembled crew of experienced kerbonauts who've been around the longest (And must I mention to hell and back?) the top kerbal being, of course, Jebediah Kerman!

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I don't have a flag, but I do play-pretend that I have a company. It is named "National Kerbal Federation of Planets". It is run by the nephew of the president of one of Kerbin's countries, and is only a reality because his secretary told him that he never really helped any of his family members and that it would give him a bad image, and since his nephew's biggest dream is to own a space company...

It only began with three brothers; Bill, Bob and Jebediah Kerman, testing the space center's Booster program. Normally all of them failed until Booster 3, which was the first to achieve sub-orbital flight, while Booster 5 was the first to get into full Kerbin orbit and Booster 6 was the first to land on Mun and Minmus. The sucess of Booster 6 had the company to achieve fame and gained several more Kerbals for hire, notably the flight director Gene Kerman and rocket scientist Wernher von Kerman.

...and I think my plot is going too deep and off-topic, so I'll stop here.

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I have Aperturella Space Research Laboratories. You'll see its logo in my sig.

I like to think that since it's a fusion of Aperture Science and Umbrella Corporation, it houses a massive underground complex. Dangerous pathogens and viruses are stored in the deepest chambers. The Space Center is merely a cover for its nefarious deeds :D

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@Commissioner Tadpole

That's actually pretty cool. You can post the rest if you want to!

I kinda had a similar idea for A.K.A.U Flight And Command Division, but it started differently, where it began with a couple of smart scientists stealing parts from other companies. They'd get some black spray paint and spray it all over the parts, then see about how to make it better. These scientists then hired a kerbal named Castillian Kerman, a kerbal with traits similar, but not exactly the same, to Jebediah Kerman(I think they might be related in a distant kinda way.) He's now the top test pilot in my Space Program.


That's really neat! Nice logo too


Thanks! I actually plan on making a second version of my flag. I'm also gonna eventually try learning how to make my own parts, so I could have a really epic version of the MkI Plane Cockpit

Edited by Chief5697
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Not just a flag and a name -- Kromey Kaerospace -- but a website chock full of AARs and even a few posts describing my design process and "simulator" results (the "simulator" being either a separate sandbox save from my main career save, or being lazy and launching in career with the foreknowledge that regardless of mission success or failure I'll be reverting the flight (the only time I ever allow the use of the revert button)).

My company's background starts with Jeb being the first Kerbal to look up, thereby discovering the stars and Mun. After that Kerbals with better management savvy took over the boring parts of a space program, naming the newly-founded company Kromey Kaerospace, leaving Jeb, Bill, and Bob to the not-boring parts of a space program -- that is, flying the rockets and going to space.

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Working on mine, don't have a flag yet though.

Scrap Yard Fabricators

Getting to Space on a budget!

"Other companies fly 1st class, we fly coach." - C. Kerman, CEO and Scrap Yard Owner.

"I was drinking a soda this morning and I thought, how do they make the metal on these cans so thin? If we could do that it would save a lot of money!" - Seth 'Crash' Kerman, Sledgehammer Operator.

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I have Elpis Aerospace Engineering (though a typo in my save has forever rendered it as Alpis). Named it after the Greek personification of hope, pretty good name for a space program if you ask me. My placeholder flag is just a non-shaded trace I did a while ago in GIMP.


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