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[AAR] Kerbal War II


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Hi. I am going to write an AAR real soon. I am writing the main story line, but i seriously need some crafts. Craft file submission criteria: mods are allowed (duh) mods list :b9, firespitter, Lack Luster Labs, Mechjeb, Hyperedit and procedural wings and procedural fairings. Craft parts do not exceed 150. planes from all factions welcome. give some feedback!


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Gene Kerman: KIB (kerbal intelligence bureau) have intercepted reports of KAOS (kerbin alliance of secret-keepers) is preparing an attack over KSC. All personnel on standby and ready for liftoff.

Jeb: Roger that. What are they planning this time? another carpet bombing attempt?

Gene Kerman: Nope. they are doing a fighter swarm attack or something like that.

Bill: WHAT? how on earth are they capable of mustering a bunch of people for their fighters?

Gene: somehow they managed it. Radar shows that they are en route for KSC-ALLIED. Perhaps they managed to use computers to control those stuff?

Wernher Von Kerman: um, they are actually computer guided fighter drones. NOW GO AND PREPARE FOR LAUNCH!!!

(Jeb and Bill runs at mach 2 towards hangar)

Bill: how did they manage to shrink computers to that scale? thus, how did they even manage to get their hands on such advanced technology?

Jeb: dunno. Just do what they tell you.

(20 minutes later…..)

Jeb: flight 423 leader ready for liftoff.

Gene: roger that. squad ready?

Bill, Bob, Kirrim, Jack Kerman: all ready.

Jeb: Takeoff.

Bill, Bob, Kirrim, Jack Kerman: Roger. liftoff commenced.

Jeb: guys, we will be having contact after 10 mins. have your eyes peeled. fly in formation.

Bill, Bob, Kirrim, Jack Kerman:YESSIR!

(after 10 mins)

Jeb: contact. Fire at will. let me at ’em.


Jeb: got one

Bill: Got one

Kirrim: impact. Got one. I popped chutes. Safe.

Jack: What. I don’t even. got one too. visuals and radar confirm all are obliterated. good job. Kirrim, we will get you back soon. Stay cool.


(please wait! if we get 1000views i will get another chapter out early.)

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