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3 non-rocket scientists attempt to put a rocket into space


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Hi y'all, I thought you might find

How Hard Can It Be?

Vin, Paul and Eric attempt to send a rocket into space using materials and know-how that anyone could acquire.

I loved the video, especially since it's something I've contemplated trying many times, and even dangerously and halfassedly attempted once when I was about 15.

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I found that video thoroughly entertaining. I am, in fact, involved in a competition where the main goal is to launch a large rocket to 10,000 feet with a scientific payload (an anti-matter detector, in my team's case).

I do wonder, though, what kind of simulation and analysis they did before launch. On my team, we need to perform CFD analysis, thermal analysis, vibration analysis, structural FEA and at least 3-DOF trajectory analysis before we can start manufacturing. Also, why didn't they use all composite design? It would have been far more efficient in terms of weight.

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