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Eve Misison Report. Live update with persistent file along the way.


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For this The Versatility Marathon Challenge.

Kerbin ---> Eve. (Halfway)

Persistent file :- http://www./view/02t6p3ugnv1t5vh/persistent.sfs

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Entering Eve SOI.

Persistent File :- http://www./view/31xfioz4stm7oc1/persistent.sfs

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Eve Aero Breaking. Setup Landing Angle. Loading Crews.

Persistent File :- http://www./view/1rojc74ce3e6h16/persistent.sfs

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Adjust altitude to drop Eve-science-module. After that Core-Module climb back to >100km.

Eve-science-module 2nd orbit, entering Eve atmosphere....

Crew leave seat and PUSH....to the right altitude...63,713m.

Persistent File :- http://www./view/h7khzowcxbxa49a/persistent.sfs

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After about 8 tried. Landing Success. Transmit data (as per mission requirement.). Take group photos.

Persistent File :- http://www./view/cdviog0qzo24ooi/persistent.sfs

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Core-Craft attach with Gilly Science Module heading Gilly.

Gilly Science Module successfully landed on Gilly, have to EVA a crew to "press down" science module before it bounce too far away.

EVA Jeb and land on Gilly. Take group photos. Perform science data transmitting.

Jeb EVA back to Core-Craft.

Hitchhiker crews back to Core-Craft.

Persistent File :- http://www./view/071zizhvo4ccw6c/persistent.sfs

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Core-Craft rendezvous with Eve-Lifter.

Core-Craft docked with Eve-Lifter.

Hitchhiker-Module docked with Eve-Lifter.

Persistent File :- http://www./view/ohplczu5fyhp5cb/persistent.sfs

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Going down to altitude about 65,000m, transfer fuel to main ship, decouple the empty 1440-units-fuel-tank.

Climb back to about 102,00m, orbit 2 rounds, and found a good landing windows.

Perform landing maneuver. And after another 8 try (coincidentally), success landed with 58,787m altitude.

Persistent File :- 58,787m (Pre-success Landing save) http://www./view/pbyerqza7bmthu7/quicksave%20-%2058%2C787m%20(Pre-success%20Landing).sfs

Persistent File :- After landing save. http://www./view/xfy8rf3rspt799f/persistent.sfs

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Driving to Eve-Lifter location. Nothing special here.

Persistent File :- (Ready to leave Eve) http://www./view/4wtgxo363ll4vh9/persistent.sfs

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Eve-Lifter bring those 4 guys one big step closer to home.

Persistent File :- (After success orbited) http://www./view/gbq2rripvgq9o6j/persistent.sfs

Eve ground crew boarded, core-craft.

Persistent File :- (After boarded) http://www./view/wjxlzbypmv7npb5/persistent.sfs

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Eve SOI --> Sun SOI --> Kerbin SOI --> LKO.

Persistent File :- (Orbiting Kerbin) http://www./view/0nvnen9f1c2rscv/persistent.sfs

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LKO --> Landing at KSC.

Persistent File :- (Landed) http://www./view/zp49j4dkoc8xvaa/persistent.sfs

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Mission Accomplish!

Edited by Sirine
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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice! :D. Since i restarted with the new Career mode Eve is the only place i haven't visited. I was planning on sending and retrieving 3 kerbals (didn't know if this was even possible). But now i am inspired to do more. Maybe i can bring back some science equipment or something. Nice Design :D You have improved quite a bit in the past months, I haven't seen anything like this yet.

Nice job Darth ;)


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