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To the Frozen North!


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Documentation and commentary of my first base that's an actual base, and not just a collection of ships landed near each other and called a base. For the sake of my sanity, and viewers' computers and/or smartphones, I've opted to just provided a link rather than jamming all 45 pictures and accompanying text into the thread. Enjoy if you will, or don't, I'll admit it's probably not the most impressive mission ever done nor the most amusingly documented. But maybe someone will like it.

An at home test of my new modular base design. While such a test could easily have been carried out on the fields just outside the KSC, that would not have been the Kerbal way. After all, is it really science if it hasn't been strapped to a rocket first?

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The base frame is pretty simple. RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit with a M-2x2 Structural Panel on top, a M-1x1 Structural Panel attached to the 2x2 on the front and rear edges with a pair of TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheels on either side of the 1x1s. Put a Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector on top of to 2x2 with a Structural Fuselage on the front and rear connectors, add docking ports and battery. Accessorize as desired, and drive carefully, it is a bit top heavy.

Probably shoot for Minmus first, since it has such nice, flat expanses to set up on. The Mun or Minmus wouldn't be a problem for my crew transport, it's got +10,000 dv. Though I'd probably want to take off the upper stage SRBs. Firing off engines you can't shut down while trying to make precision course adjustments just can't go right. And unfortunately no, the docking port got itself deleted at some point, probably the first time I switched back to the VAH. Oh well, that's what the pics are for.

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