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The Jedi Space Program Dramatis Personæ

The Jedi Master

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I'll be using this thread to document the characters in my stories. I hope it will help me keep track of the long list of Kerbonauts I rack up. Some notes:

1)Wondering why the kerbals are so old? I believe that kerbals are much more durable than humans, and therefore live much longer lives.

2)Dates are listed in an update number format, attributed to Before Union (BU) and After Union (AU). The current date is 220 AU (update 0.22.0).

3)Wondering what 'Cameos' is? When someone gains my favor, their space program can be included in my next story or chapter! I'll PM you, and we'll work it out. Don't call me, I'll call you.

With that in mind, lets get to it!


Jebediah 'Jeb' Kerman

Age: 161

Rank: Bad Donkey

Survival Instinct: None

Achievements: First kerbal to impact the Mun, among other things

Background: Jebediah is the oldest living Kerbonaut, having worked with the space programs since the very beginning. His age has not stopped him, though--in fact, he is still the most active person in the entire program, and his list of achievements continues to grow. This may be partially because no one else is quite as insane as he is--he's watched far too many action movies, and always takes the most dangerous mission available.

William 'Bill' Kerman


Rank: Major

Survival Instinct: Medium

Achievements: First kerbal on Minmus

Background: While not getting quite as much spotlight as Jeb, Bill has still made quite a name for himself. He is respected as one of the greatest minds on Kerbin, second only to Werner Von Kerman himself. He hosts a science show, 'Secrets of the Universe', and a children's educational program, 'Bill Kerman the Science Man'. He is always the first on the scene when something strange happens and a mission is sent to explain it. After the death of Danke Kerman (see 'In Memoriam'), he began to take a more philosophical side. Recently left the program because of the death of Roning Kerman. He'll be back, though... right?

Robert 'Bob' Kerman

Age: 159

Rank: Major

Survival Instinct: Pants Wetter

Achievements: First kerbal on Laythe

Background: Bob was coddled as a child, and became quite the coward when he grew up and there was no more mommy to come to his rescue. Desperate not to become a janitor, Bob signed on to the Jedi Space Program. He is now considerably toughened up, but he is still reluctant to go on any mission farther out than Minmus, and even then he's wary. He has two exceptions: Eve ("At least it's peaceful") and Laythe ("The one nice world in this entire [bEEP] solar system"). He's got it where it counts, however--he is kind, loyal, honest and a good pilot. Expect to see him on routine Kerbin system missions and in rescues.


John Fitzgerald Kerman

Age: 1,969

Rank: President of Kerbin

Achievements: United Kerbin under one nation

Background: John F. Kerman is the single oldest kerbal on Kerbin, yet he still looks like he's in his mid three hundreds. Two hundred and twenty years ago, John ended the constant global warfare racking Kerbin and was elected President of the entire planet. When Werner Von Kerman unveiled the first rocket, John declared that the conquest of space was Kerbalkind's number one priority. When not running the planet (it's like herding giraffes), he keeps the space programs in line and attends press conferences.

The Director

Age: 100

Rank: Director of the Jedi Space Program

Achievements: Created the JSP

Background: The Director (his true name is unknown, and he isn't saying) is an egoistic man with some megalomaniac tendencies. He created the Jedi Space Program after seeing how well the Kurtjmac Aerospace Program was doing. He hopes to one day be the director of the most successful space program on all of Kerbin. He administrates the budget, and as such is all-powerful on KSC grounds.

Werner Von Kerman

Age: 220

Rank: Head Scientist

Achievements: Invented rocketry

Background: From and early age, Werner took an interest in all forms science and mathematics. In the year 73 AU, he unveiled his greatest invention--a craft capable of taking three brave kerbals into the air by means of a controlled explosion. He called this marvelous invention a 'rocket', and claimed that if it were scaled up enough, it could put kerbals in space. This sparked the space age, and the rest is history. He is at least indirectly involved in all scientific matters the JSP faces.

Gene Kerman

Age: 200

Rank: Head Mission Controller

Achievements: Administrated every JSP mission since... ever.

Background: Gene is the real geek of the team, master of both physics and Killers & Krystals. Don't let his easygoing looks fool you, though--Gene knows the upper limit of any rocket that can run a few test flights, how far the laws of physics can be bent and how to bend them that far. Rumor has it that he once studied under the great Scott Manley, but both parties deny this. In any case, he is responsible for Mission Control (he even flies the probes by use of remote control), astronomical event watching and KSC maintenance.

In Memorium

Danke Kerman

Age at Death: 190

Rank: Private First Class

Survival Instinct: Low

Achievements: First kerbal on the Mun

Last Words: "At least I finally got away from my ex girlfriend."

Background: Danke was a rookie. The Armstrong 7 was his first mission. When his lander ran out of fuel, he jettisoned from the ship and used his EVA jetpack to slow down. It worked, and he became the first JSP Kerbonaut to step foot on the surface of the Mun. Unfortunately, he had no ship. A rescue mission was sent, crewed by Jebediah and Bill, but it landed on the other side of the Mun. When Danke tried to use the remaining fuel in his jetpack to cut the distance a little, he slammed into the side of a mountain, dying instantly from rib fractures. It was the first real disaster in JSP history. Rest in peace, Danke. You got to go jetpacking on the Mun, something not all kerbals can claim to have done.

Roning Kerman

Age at Death: 187

Rank: Private First Class

Survival Instinct: Medium

Achievements: First Kerbal on Dres

Last Words: "Thanks, Bill."

Background: Roning had been newly hired into the space program, and the Odin was his first real mission. After several miscalculations, the ship managed to land on Dres, but shortly after planting the flag he got thrown into the sun by the Kraken. Rest in peace, Roning. Bill says 'your welcome'.


None yet!

Edited by The Jedi Master
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