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My ship just explodes at 6100m.

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My rocket will blow up every time I build a big fancy rocket. Just finished designing my Jool probe carrier and can't get it over 6100m. Crash report says "such and such collided with obj_base"


UPDATE: Found the 3 man capsule part to be the issue, after replacing it with a mk2 lander can I can orbit the ship. Still not sure why the 3 man capsule is the issue. It has higher durability and heat resistance and less drag. Going to replace the part file and see if that cures it.

Edited by Xephirious
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I don't mean the ship clipping itself. I mean that objects around the launch facility sometimes have wandering hitboxes. People crash into ghost pipes high on up all the time.

Accelerate time, ghost facility parts rotate away, launch when clear.

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Needs more struts. Make sure you strut the two pieces that are collapsing, and consider redistributing the weight if that is a weak point of your design, or reducing your payload. For example, if a battery is crashing onto a fuel pod, consider using radial batteries instead of the in-line ones. Struts will help support pieces that would otherwise collapse, but it can't entirely fix a design flaw.

For a Jool mission, you might consider building two separate stages and joining them in orbit in order to bypass the weight limitations of your rocket.

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When I hit f3 it says "such and such collided with obj_base". Apparently obj_base is the white pad under the water tower from what I can find. Going to try warping a week and launching into different planar orbits to see wtf is happening.

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Sounds glitched. I have a ship that crashes the game when I try to fly it.

have you tried launching something else entirely?

Just shoot up a simple staged model and make sure everything is hitting. If it is STILL going on, do the same test on a new career.

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My first thought was possibly an issue with ship design, or maybe something not staged exactly right. I tend to miss things on my more complicated builds, usually takes a dozen launches to "optimize" the design. Post up a pic of the ship if you can, maybe some more experienced eyes can spot potential problems.

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I've had issues related to construction that caused weird issues (I built a ship using the Hooligan Labs airship mod that had a good one: exceed 10000 meters and it silently kills all crew onboard, leaving the ship out of control. Even "killed" the OKTO probe core...), so if it really comes down to it, you might just have to build the same identical ship again and watch as somehow it fixes whatever glitch did it.

I've also had 'ghost parts' tear wings off spaceplanes. KSP's a beta, and weird crud happens once in a while. Ships bug out on the launch pad, adding one more RCS tank causes random explosions, ghost parts wreck your ships, a perfectly stable craft that's survived 15 flights without needing modification suddenly folds like tissue paper, pilots suddenly expire in their seats, probe cores go offline claiming insufficient charge, yet there's still 5000 units of charge still in the module, and terrain seams catastrophically nuke your rovers. Yeah, that's a lot of bugs, but we all know that the devs will eventually iron most of them out. Until then, funny things happen, and we can try all we can to dodge the problems when they show up.

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You may be getting compression failure to the G forces near the burnout of your boosters. Without the staging ring, this design will fail from compression of the Stayputnik into the SRB. Such failure is hard to detect. Braces will usually correct the issue. Here are some examples of compression failures in the test flights using SRB staging.


This example shows a compression failure in progress




The fix, the braces added to the two boosters.


Edited by SRV Ron
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I will post a .craft file at lunch today.

I'm not using any mod parts in this career and I've removed all non-stock plugins. As far as I can tell obj_base isn't affected by any of the mod parts I do have installed. I think some legacy KW parts are still in my parts bin and the Mapsat scanner, Kethane is still installed as well.

The explosion comes about 20seconds into my 2nd stage. Timing indicates the explosion is not staging related. I've considered compression failure so I tried throttling back and got upto 6900m. Think we may be onto something there. Pics and .craft file soon.

Thanks for all the ideas.

Edit: SRV, what does f3 report say when you induce the compression failure?

Edited by Xephirious
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Edit: SRV, what does f3 report say when you induce the compression failure?

I believed it gave a failure of a decoupler in the three picture example. It was a mod decoupler. Not sure what it gave for the Stayputnik. Another poster had tried that design and couldn't figure out why it exploded at a certain altitude, so I tested it to find out why.

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I don't care for websites that open up extra windows, then wants me to install stuff before downloading. Mediafire displayed the text of the craft file, then contaminated it with line numbers rendering it totally useless.

Hard to tell but you may be getting the failure at the probe storage section when G forces hit a certain value.

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I sometimes had the issue of monopropellant tanks spontaneously exploding as soon as they are sneezed on - which would then cause the rest of the ship to disintegrate in a spectacular, awesome, and eventually annoying manner. Remember that in the case of rockets, thrust-to-weight ratio increases steadily during ascent as the stage burns fuel, so the amount of force applied to your parts will slowly rise. That's why it blows up predictably at some altitude.

Make sure your monopropellant tanks are somewhere on your rocket/spaceplane where they are subjected to VERY LITTLE force. Right behind an engine = terrible. Mounted with a radial attachment point to the fuselage of something = perfect.

Sometimes, no amount of struts will help. Just put the squishy stuff where it won't be subjected to the forces of takeoff and maneuvering so much.

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SRV, I'll email you the file if you'd like. I'm a total nub at this file sharing thing.

I'm going to remove the RCS tanks and try again tomorrow. I think you can pm me the email if you'd like.

Also if you just click and drag you can copy the file text without line numbers.

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