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BSC Challenge: Rover + Skycrane - Yet another winner!

BSC: Rover + Skycrane - Final Vote  

  1. 1. BSC: Rover + Skycrane - Final Vote

    • Andrew Hansen - NOKERB Exploring Machine
    • antbin - The One Way Ticket
    • Deathsoul097 - Sojurner
    • Ravenchant - R-31 Dustmarcher & Heron skycrane
    • XolotlLoki - Simple, Indestructible Rover
    • Xeldrak - CRAATRV

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Oh, well, it has wallways been around 20-30 entries. I guess last time was a exeption, because EVERYONE had allready build a Kerbal X style rocket.

Not everyone hast build a rover - it's also much more complicated. So I'm neither supprised nor worried.

Also - chrismas is drawing near, maybe the people got less time for KSP ;)

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  Xeldrak said:
why on earth have we been moved? It's a challenge! You can win this thread, not an exchange!

maybe because the mod are trying to be funny?

  Xeldrak said:
Oh, well, it has wallways been around 20-30 entries. I guess last time was a exeption, because EVERYONE had allready build a Kerbal X style rocket.

Not everyone hast build a rover - it's also much more complicated. So I'm neither supprised nor worried.

Also - chrismas is drawing near, maybe the people got less time for KSP ;)

*allways not wallways

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Huh, I can see why a mod might think that readers would like to find a pile of spacecraft in a thread... but that's only once the contest is done. For getting challengers, we need to be in the Challenge forum. Besides, if they're not going to move every past BSC thread then they're just making them harder to locate.

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Lets start the primary votes! I will once again use the dot-voting system. Since we have less entries this time, you will have four votes. Primary votes will run for three days - so you have more time for testing. Be so kind and do not vote for yourself - it's undignified and not objective.

I also encourage you to tell us for whom you've voted and why. These post are basically the best part of the challenge ;) Also, you can tell me if you think the new voting system is an improvement.

The vote will close in three days.

Do not forget to read the Challenge Guidelines Mk.II - this is not about the most beautifull craft.

You can download all .craft files >>here<< in a single zip.


Results can be viewed here.


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ahh, a couple hours late :( is there still a chance I can enter? Thanks for hosting these contests, they are fun to look at.

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This is dunacustie, and is straight forward to use, it can even right itself up. I find that it has WAY to much fuel in the transfer stage, great for the noobs.

No mods, the images display mechjeb and protracter, those will be removed in the downloads

Download without mods: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/162487944/Rover%20with%20Skycrane%20_w%20no%20mods.craft

Download with mechjeb and protracter: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/162487944/Rover%20with%20Skycrane.craft

Edited by 1Revenger1
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Ah, sorry - I can't edit the poll now.

But, you can do something that is much more important to the challenge: Go test the entries and write some reviews ;) They are allways a nice read and the participants are allways happy and thankfull to read thoughts on their crafts.

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  Xeldrak said:
I wrote a pm - I'm kinda attached to the "BSC: *craftname* - *news*" format, wouln't like to change it

BSC stands for Better Stock Craft I assume, so you could just change it to "BSC Challenge: *craftname* - *news*"

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  zekes said:
So i get points for realism, right???? anyone?

I don't think it is a point system, just votes. If it makes you feel better though I will give a point for realism though.

I want to test but I need to finish my class project soon and the rest of my work for my finals...UGH.

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-Raven:Showing a use for ant engines,good skycrane,good rover.First choice(beyond myself)

-Sploden:Although not a skycrane full heat-shield and sepratron spam make a solid landing method.(+points for similar launcher)

-Sapling:I don't know what I like about it but I do.

-Bombo:Better make some of those votes legitimate:D

@Zekes apart from the lack of shield,yea.

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