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Docked craft

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So I made an attempt at docking. First was the science station that I put into Eve orbit. Yay Eve!

Next was a lander/engineering package. Worked once, then the second time the docking port failed during a braking manuver to achieve Duna orbit.

Any advice on ship construction would be nice. Particulary construction of smaller ships to be pieced together in space to create one massive stellar cruiser.

Currently I am working on a four ship design. Three engineering modules and one lander module in the center.

Edited by Jollyroger6969
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If you have them use the Sr. docking port, provides a much more stable connection. You can also use a bi-, tri-, or quad- coupler by attaching a clamp-o-tron to each open port. However, if you use the second method not all the ports will attach in the VAB, you will have to wait until the ship loads. Also, if you not adverse to using mods you can get Kerbal Attachment System to add struts in flight.

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Multi-port docking is extremely tricky, requires very high precision during docking or some of ports won't dock and even when successfully docked, all but one are shifted in some direction. I definitely suggest Sr docking port over multiports.

Below you can see a picture of my modular ship (not all possible parts are shown, but what's in the picture can get anywhere in the system and back and land almost anywhere too):


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