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Stuck with the above posters avatar (Redux)

Tidus Klein

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I walk in on floor 77 and dont see anyone on the elevator but can still sense that im being watched....I press the button for the 78th floor and continue

PS I hope my resent avatar change helps clear things up,

Edited by Tidus Klein
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I walk back into the elevator on floor 83 and look around. Bored due to everyone being dead, I use my tail to push the button to floor 84 and wait, chainsaw at the ready so I can slice up the next person to enter the elevator

PS: If you don't know what I look like:

A robot wolf with one of those grabbing things used to grab asteroids in KSP on the end of its tail walks in and attempts to kill everyone with a chainsaw on floor 68
Edited by 11JRidding
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I walk in on floor 84, having forgotten that I was due to #85, and encounter a bizarre mechanical creature within. It attempts to kill me with a rotating-segment device that makes a lot of noise, but my scales hold up quite nicely. I simply burn a hole in the floor and shove it down the shaft. Then I wait, as the elevator continues upward.

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I re-enter on floor 85 and shout an expletive at you. I then proceed to scan your body for weaknesses, and, finding one on the neck, attack you (My chainsaw has had a High-Frequency upgrade applied to it, making it sharper and stronger (Mostly a LOT sharper - Honestly, the thing can cut through solid Diamond))

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On floor 94, I wait in front of the elevator... to see myself walk out. I stop and attempt to comprehend this bizarre occurrence, only to come up blank.

Oh well. I get into the elevator, trying not to crush the person in there just in case some kind of paradox is triggered.

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