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Gravity - The film - How did.. "MASSIVE SPOILER!"


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If they had any angular velocity relative to the station, they just had to hold on to tether as it would swing them around the station. The tether would just roll itself around the ISS and bring them towards the center in a spiral.

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I just re watched the scene in question, and i now realise that yes, they where rotating when they grab the rope.

So there i was, thinking the mystery was solved, and i decided to watch on a little bit...

As it turns out, after Clooney decouples him self, weird stuff happens.

The camera pans out, and we see that they have stopped rotating for some reason.

We also see that Sandra is mysteriously propelled towards the station at quite a speed.

Anyone care to clear this one up for me?

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As it turns out, after Clooney decouples him self, weird stuff happens.

The camera pans out, and we see that they have stopped rotating for some reason.

We also see that Sandra is mysteriously propelled towards the station at quite a speed.

Anyone care to clear this one up for me?

Handwavium? Maybe? I think it is best not to ask too many questions...

If you insist on asking questions, maybe have a look in one of these threads for clues:

1. Just Watched Gravity

2. Gravity (Movie)

Edited by PakledHostage
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We also see that Sandra is mysteriously propelled towards the station at quite a speed.

Anyone care to clear this one up for me?

There should be recoil towards the station due to tension in the ropes. But it's way too much in the movie.

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I've found more interesting short clips in the trailers and TV spots Warner Bros put online.

Watch 00:18 and pay attention to the stars behind.

There's more of that in the actual movie.

As for the recoil, it is expected, but it was too intense. Again, it's for the sake of the plot, because Stone is almost out of oxygen and she needs to grab something on ISS and get to the airlock.


You can see she's now a bit above Soyuz and she's not being held by the rope anymore. They really were rotating.

Oh, and here's the lightbox they were shooting stuff in.


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...Watch 00:18 and pay attention to the stars behind…

What stars? I see… nothing, even in HD, at those points. Odd.

Yeah, the whole "I must let go of the rope" thing bugged me. It (a) wasn't needed, (B) didn't make sense (if that was the solution, he doesn't sit there talking to her before releasing… he lets go), (3) only use was to make her alone and have sort of surprise later.

Gravity was good. The number of mistakes, gaffs, and fudges in it was huge. The amount it got right(ish) compared to any other similar movie was astounding… but I'm not sure if that says volumes for the quality of Gravity, or volumes for the poor competition.

Probably both.

If they were rotating… haul him in. Even just a little. Tether goes slack, secure to parachute cords, repeat. No, pulling him towards the center of rotation would not speed up (in any realistic sense) any rotation of the station (compare the moment of inertia for the station to that of George Clooney. His a big star.. but not that big).

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Look more carefully. There are few stars. I can see them at 360p...

The station's possible rotation is not the big issue. It's the astronauts', around the Soyuz.

Yeah, so he gives a little speech before letting go, big deal. Give the man a break, he's about to float into the void and there's no vodka in the suit. :D

Stone can't reach the rope by hand. EVA suits are quite rigid. You can't just touch your foot wearing that thing.

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