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Facility Upgrades in Career Mode

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Here's an idea for career mode:

The player could start off with a relatively small, low-grade facility (i.e. the island airstrip). As he/she earns money and/or science, they have the option to upgrade their facilities, build new buildings, or purchase a new space center altogether. Space centers at various locations around Kerbin could be available for purchase, even possibly including orbital space centers and space centers on other planets. (sorry, i know this kind of ties to the subject on the 'what not to suggest' list)

Additionally, when starting on the island airstrip, the player would only have access to a Space Plane Hangar with basic plane parts, so they would have to start with atmospheric flights in order to gain money/science (kind of like real life!) until they could build a launchpad and VAB or purchase a new facility and research rocket parts.

Please let me know what you think!

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I think it's a good idea, but the various facilities need more purpose first. Right now, they're mostly just about looking pretty and have only one or two functions, so you can't really upgrade them to have much of an affect on gameplay.

The whole starting with atmospheric only flights also wouldn't work since the tech tree starts off without jet engines, but it's a good idea.

:D why didn't I think of this!

But, you should have the option of starting in a place!

E.X. Start on North pole or airstrip or orbit!

If I recall correctly, a dev said this is planned awhile ago. That would be awesome!

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Along with the idea that ships take time to build, a good option would be allow more ships to be built in a row, as well as take less time to build them

To allow the player to start at the island, airplane parts would have to be regrouped on the tech tree

I also like the idea that you can have different-sized science buildings which allow you to get to a certain point of the tech tree

The radars could have simmilar functions too, showing less information about the other planets and having bigger loss on the science recovery from antennas

Awesome idea :D

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I like this Idea. One more advanced variant might be to allow for the player to construct their own facilities, in a hexagon grid. You could have hexes for assembly buildings, segments of runway, launchpads, vessel storage hangars (so you could launch multiple vessels rapidly without assembling each one after launching the previous,) Tracks for mobile launchpads (connecting VABs to launchpads,) Taxiways(connecting SPHs to runways,) R&D buildings, parts factories, comms stations (if remotetech style comms ever gets implemented,) training buildings, etc. All the road-style things (Runways, taxiways, tracks, etc.) would have different segments for straightaways, bends, forks, etc.

I'm starting to realize that this would have been better served by it's own thread, but whatever, it's still on topic.

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If I recall correctly, a dev said this is planned awhile ago. That would be awesome!

As far as I remember this is correct. The basic suggesting by gGATORr has been suggested at least 2 or 3 times since the 0.22 release and the reply was this is, at least to a certain degree, on the planned feature list.

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I'd love to see the KSC evolve from what is basically Jeb's scrapyard, with a shoddy shed that rattles when something lifts off, with one Kerbal standing nearby wearing goggles and holding an RC transmitter, another one watching through binoculars, and a third one mowing the grass of the runway strip in the background. Then, as the player progresses, the place shapes up, with Kerbals "racing" steamrollers and diggers (like they do with those vehicles in VAB and SPH now) to erect new buildings and radio towers, or lay down concrete and asphalt for launchpad and runway, and more kerbals come to watch launches ... basically KSP with some SimCity-style flavour.


What? A player can dream, no? :P

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I do like this idea quite a lot, however I'm basically terrible at piloting the aircraft. It's a miracle if I get off the ground in one piece and landing - just no! So whilst this is a good idea it might end up spoiling the game and making it unplayable for me if I have to spend hours fighting with aircraft!

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