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The Diary Of Bill Kerman (AKA Clean Slate, Part Two)

The Jedi Master

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Yes, the Diary of Bill Kerman is here! Again, my editor here is Duxwing. I credit him for a language change to this post. He took my original post, and made it more... diary-ish. I like it, and I hope you too! I will be following this approach for the purposes of this part of the story, and I'm starting to learn from him, so don't worry about him doing all the work and being my ghost writer. Thanks, Dux! You're well on your way to a cameo!


Kairi 1 Mission Log 001

Date: Midcember 4th, 220 AU

Exploring the vast stretches of the Kairi Crater has been arduous: I know not whether I landed therein, and strange signals emanate from the southeast rim. I there will start my search.


My magnificent desolation

The EMP blast has wrought chaos, but I am calm: whereas the rest panic, I relax and enjoy the inaccessibility--it's liberating.

And I hope that those Erasers are liberated, too: of life and limb.


Yeah, rather short, but I haven't done much yet. I promise that the next chapter will be longer! I hope you enjoyed this post. Feel free to give any constructive feedback that you may. :)

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This is the last post that will be completely edited by Dux. He will still be giving me advice, but after this will be all written entirely by me. :)


Kairi 1 Mission Log 002

Date: Midcember 5th, 220

Time: 1215 UMT

I have found the crater wherefrom the signals emanate; it is steep, but the stars rage with war.


I have christened this small crater the 'Gloryhole'

Kairi 1 Mission Log 003

Date: Midcember 5th, 220

Time: 1233 UMT

My whole body aches and reeks, I cannot recall how many times I slipped in the dust, and my left heel is wet and warm and tender: I've descended the treacherous slope and transmitted the signals to KSC. I want to lie here and relax, perhaps nap, but I want to return before my oxygen reserves too greatly deplete. If only I could breathe mono-propellant.

Kairi 1 Mission Log 004

Date: Midcember 5th, 220

Time: 1251 UMT

My heel is a mess of torn skin and flesh--perhaps a bit of bone--and as my adrenaline levels fall, so rises my pain. I would cry and scream, but I won't because no-one can help me. My bruised fingers must treat this wound.

Kairi 1 Mission Log 005

Date: Midcember 5th, 220

Time: 1403 UMT

KSC reports that the signals are in the ancient pyramidal language! Their advanced decryption reveals the meaning:

Zero-six-eight-seven-five... two-three-four-three-three-three...


Meanwhile, on Kerbin...

"Triforce Mk.1, you are cleared for takeoff."

"Roger that, taking off."


The Triforce Mk.1 was Werner Von Kerman's most ambitious idea: no one knew if it would work. Bob refused to approach it. Jeb therefore brought two new recruits he had befriended at a party the previous night: Sidgun and Nellas Kerman.

Jeb loved this job, and Nellas was delighted to test a new design on his first mission. Sidgun was grim. Jeb spoke over the intercom, "Hey, Sid, what's wrong?"

"I'm just worried about Bill, ya know." Sidgun sighed, "He's been my hero ever since he took those first steps on Minmus."

"Don't worry: Bill didn't get chosen to fly the Armstrong 5 for nothing."

"Yeah, I know. Still..."



Jeb crackled over the radio, "We're coming in. Switching to instrument navigation..."

Their plane jerked, flaring for landing. Jeb and Nellas' laughter drowned Sidgun's moans.

Bounce! An explosion boomed behind them, "What was that?!" Sidgun screamed.

"Um..." Jeb looked at the readout. "Two engines gone. Middle one's left."

Everyone got out and looked around. Nellas turned to Jeb and noticed that the usually boundlessly joyful face was replaced by one of grim surprise.

"Hey Jeb," he asked anyway. "Where are the pyramids?"



Again, I hope you enjoyed this, and a comment would be nice if you can spare time time!

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Good stuff! where is MOAR

Soontm. Maybe today, maybe not, but definitely Soontm. :) I posted a story about Sidgun and Nellas if you want something to hold you over!

Wow, Bill's diary started on a rather dark note. Get this guy home ASAP :)

Well, considering that I landed in the COMPLETELY wrong crater, that might be a while. :P That's why I started the Kerbin story--it's dust and rocks, and unless you find that interesting for some reason, you'll want more substance.

Any ideas on how to handle update 0.23 dating-wise, anyone? I can't just skip ahead ten years, although it would give me a good excuse to just skip to the part where Bill finds the memorial. :)

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Kairi 1 Mission Log 9

Date: Expirune 18th, 220

When I visited the flag I had planted when I landed, it appeared to be gone. I was shocked, but then I realized that it must have been the Erasers playing tricks on me. It would seem fate herself is out to get me. I summoned the energy to plant a new flag, and moved on.

Then I came to a steep crater. I could not walk through it myself. I had to use my rover. It was quite treacherous, and I bounced and spun as I went along, but I managed to get through. It made me bruised and bloody, however, and I hope that there is a period of flat terrain so I can rest. In any case, I will stop here for the night, and continue my search tomorrow.


A bumpy ride


Meanwhile, on Kerbin...

Gene rubbed his sleep-deprived eyes. "So let me get this straight, Jeb. What you're telling me is that the pyramids are gone?"

"Yup. Dunno what happened to them. There was a big sandstorm a few hours after the EMP blast, so that might be it."

This was the last thing Gene needed right now. He was having a hard enough time as it was. The whole planet was in a panic and some were even calling for the Jedi Space Program to be shut down. He could still not figure out why they were calling for such a ting, but he figured it was because they thought it was better to focus on Kerbin.

He knew where that would end up. The Federation would dissolve, and there would be war again. He had never known war, but he had heard the stories of the days before the Federation. It had been the darkest period in kerbal history.

He sighed and looked at Jeb. "We need a way to prove that we still have the ability to move on. Not just Bill's rover mission. Something big."

"We could build an SSTO."

"We could barely build one before the EMP! Besides, who would pilot it?"

Suddenly, the building shuddered. Gene looked outside, then reflexively ducked as the Ares 3A flew overhead. He looked out and squinted.

Sidgun was flying all over the place, doing loops and corkscrews.


Jeb smiled a wide smile. "I think we know already.


This is an unedited first draft. Feedback is always appreciated!

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